Chapter 13

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Rayla's lungs burned, begging for air. She despised water, it was her greatest fear besides losing those she loved. Right before Rayla passed out her head was pulled up from the water. Rayla gasped as she breathed in precious air.

"Are you more willing to talk now?" Claudia asked, " Or do you want another go." Claudia strengthened her grip on the back of Rayla's head and forced it down a mere inch from the surface of the water.

"I already told you. I haven't seen Callum or Ezran since you cast the spell," Rayla said in between coughs.

"Lies!" Claudia shrieked as she forced Rayla's head once again into the deep basin of water. Rayla quickly drew in a deep breath before her head was submerged once again. Rayla hated water with the passion of a thousand flaming suns, and Claudia was a close second. She had never truly trusted Claudia and now Rayla would never trust Claudia. One usually loses trust and respect in a person if the said person kidnaps and tortures them. Rayla felt her lungs start to burn again. She had had countless dreams of drowning to death, but now that she was drowning Rayla realized that the dreams didn't do this justice. Actual drowning was about a thousand times worse. When Rayla's head was finally brought back up she started seeing stars in the corner of her eyes.

"Just tell me what you told Callum!" Claudia said. Rayla could feel Claudia's handshaking against her head. The interrogation must be getting to Claudia and Rayla guessed she didn't have a stomach for something like this.

"I haven't seen Callum since you messed up our lives!" Rayla was lying, but she would never betray Callum. Even if she died, at least he would be safe. Rayla suspected that if Claudia knew the truth Callum would receive some sort of punishment. Claudia growled in frustration and shoved Rayla's head back into the water. Rayla bearly managed to get a quick breath of air before her head was engulfed once more.


Callum and Ezran raced through the passages that would lead to Rayla's cell. Callum had been so stupid, he should've thrown that drawing away. Now Rayla might be in trouble. Some spy he was, not even an hour in and he was the cause of quite a predicament. He had asked Rayla to trust him with this mission, and he so far he was failing. Ezran took a sharp left and Callum followed. Soon they arrived in the circular room above Rayla's cell.

"Rayla are you okay?" Callum asked as he approached the hole in the floor. Rayla didn't respond and fear coursed through him, causing him to quicken his pace. When he looked down he saw a drenched Rayla curled up in a little ball, shivering on the floor of her cell. What had happened?

"Rayla, please wake up," Callum called down to her. Rayla stirred a little then looked up reluctantly. Callum continued in a frenzy, "Hey, I know you might be really mad, but Claudia may have seen a picture I drew of you. So I'm sorry. Also what happened to you?" Rayla looked exhausted and she seemed like she wasn't all there.

"You're fine and that's all that matters," Rayla said as she started violently coughing.

"Hey, are you okay, did Claudia do something?" Callum asked. Rayla refused to look Callum in the eye, and that was answer enough, "what did she do?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does! She obviously did something to you. You look shaken, you're drenched, and you're coughing up a lung," Callum said growing frustrated with Rayla's silence, "How am I supposed to help you if you won't let me!"

"She tried to get me to talk, using questionable methods," Rayla said quietly still not looking at Callum, "but it's fine because both of you guys are safe."

"No, no, no! It's not fine Rayla," Callum was angry. This was his fault and he felt awful, " This is all my fault. I failed you. You got punished for my mistake."

"Callum it isn't your fault. You didn't hurt me, Claudia did." Rayla said as she sat up with a wince of pain and a few deep coughs.

"Rayla, I'm sorry, do you want a jelly tart?" Ezran said as he offered her a tart. Callum had been so caught up worrying about Rayla he had forgotten Ez was there. Ezran threw down a jelly tart and Rayla took a small bite. Callum couldn't believe that Rayla was so calm about this. She had been tortured and hurt. Callum couldn't stand it. Though he didn't have all his memories of Rayla, he still felt very protective of her and couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

"Okay this settles it," Callum said putting extra authority into his voice, "We are getting you out of there Rayla." Rayla opened her mouth to object but Callum continued, "Don't even try to stop me. I'm going to get you out. I just need a day or two to figure out how."

"Callum I was nearly drowned to make sure that Claudia didn't find out that you know the truth. Please don't make any hasty decisions when you're in this emotional state."

"In this emotional state. In this state! Rayla, I can't remember anything from before the spell, but I keep having dreams. I think they're memories, but one of the dreams is a nightmare," Callum took a breath and continued, " The nightmare is you falling to your death and me not being able to save you. I've never gotten to the end of the dream because I wake up from the fear of losing you. Rayla I can't just sit here and let you be hurt, maybe even killed!"

"Callum, I know this must be hard, but I can't lose you either!" Rayla said, "I would be drowned a thousand times if it kept you safe."

"Can't you just let me save you? Please Rayla, I need you to be okay. I don't have all my memories but I know you are more than a friend to me." Callum finished and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Callum, you're right. But I have to stay here so you can be a spy. Claudia will know you know if I get out." Rayla said as she slumped against the wall, " I'll let you save me, just find the scepter first." Calum didn't want Rayla to be right, but she was. It wasn't a smart move to set free her until he knew where the scepter was.

"Fine, but the moment I find that scepter I'm getting you out," Callum said wishing he could do more.

"Thank you, Callum," Rayla said offering a small smile. Callum was about to say more but Rayla shushed him.

"You guys need to leave now," Rayla whispered frantically.

"Why we just got here," Ezran said quietly back, "And why are we whispering."

"Because someone is coming and they can't know you were here," Rayla said, "You need to leave now." Callum nodded and met Rayla's eyes. He tried to convey how sorry he was and only looked away when Ez dragged him back into the tunnels.

###Author's Note###

Hello readers! Sorry, this chapter took so long to write, but I think it was worth the wait. Please let me know what you think of the story, and thanks for reading! -HappyLlama160

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