Chapter 28

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Callum returned to Rayla's room with not only the doctor but the rest of the gang as well. He had bumped into Ezran, Bait, and Zym in the hall, and they had instantly wanted to see Rayla when Callum told them she was awake.

"I'm back and I've brought friends!" Callum announced as he led the group into Rayla's room. Rayla sat up with a wince of pain, and Callum got the impression that Rayla was in a lot more pain then she was letting on.

"Rayla! I'm so glad you're okay," Ezran said as he ran around Callum and hugged Rayla, "When I saw you get hurt I was so scared I'd lose you."

"Oh Ez," Rayla said as she wiped away his tears, "I'm still here and I'm going to be okay."

"Just don't scare us like that again," Ezran said and Zym and Bait grunted their agreement.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best."

"I'm sorry to interrupt," The elven doctor said, "But if you wouldn't mind leaving for a second while I check up on Rayla."

"Of course," Callum said as he herded the rest of the group out of the room, "Come get us when you're done."

Callum and Ezran waited outside for about fifteen minutes before the doctor left and gave them the okay to go back in.

"So," Callum said as he re-entered, "What did the doctor say?"

"She said that I should make a full recovery," Rayla said as she sat up with a grimace of pain, "In time."

"Hey, why don't you lay down and rest?" Callum said. He didn't want Rayla to overexert herself.

"Yeah, it's just us," Ezran said as he joined them in the room, "No need to be formal."

Rayla laid back in her pillows, "I guess you're right."

"It'll take time to heal," Callum said taking her hand, "So just be patience with yourself."

"I'll try my best," Rayla said, "But while I have you guys here I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" Ezran asked.

"It's about my parents," Rayla said, "Before Viren took my voice he showed me two coins, and trapped inside were my parents."

"Are you sure that it was real?" Callum asked, "It could've been another illusion."

"That's what I thought at first too," Rayla said, "But we know they didn't run away when Viren came. And if he did kill them then why weren't their bodies found? I think it's because Viren didn't kill them, he trapped them in coins. That means they could still be alive!"

"You make some good points Rayla," Callum said taking her hand, "But right now we need to focus on getting you better. Then I promise we will do whatever it takes to figure out what's going on with your parents."

"Yeah Rayla, we will always have your back," Ezran said. Zym and Bait both snuggled up against Rayla to show their support.

"We're here for you no matter what," Callum said and watched as tears filled Rayla's eyes.

"How did I get so lucky to have you guys in my life?" She asked.

"I think that luck started when you failed to assassinate Ez," Callum said, "I guess the universe had other plans for us."

"Thank goodness," Ez said as he let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

The group laughed and Callum put his arm around Ezran and squeezed Rayla's hand. Zym and Bait were sitting on the bed by Rayla's feet and Callum couldn't help smiling. They were all here alive and well. They had all been through so much together and Callum was relieved that his family was finally safe. But at that moment Callum felt a flicker of pity for Claudia, all she wanted was for her family to be together. She had even been willing to kill him to save them and he wondered how much lower she would sink to reach her goal.


Claudia tried not to think of the unspeakable horrors she had committed. After all, thinking about them wasn't going to bring her dad back. Claudia closed her eyes in concentration and pushing aside her doubts she started the spell. If she could complete the spell then everything would be worth it. She kept chanting until she heard a gasp. 

"What? What's... What's going on?" Viren groaned. She opened her eyes and beheld her father looking around the cave confused. Claudia couldn't believe it, the spell had worked.

Relief flooded her body and tears sprung to her eyes, "You're alive."

"Somehow, I...I survived the fall?" Viren questioned as he took in the broken crown lying discarded on the floor.

"No. You didn't" Claudia said unable to meet her father's gaze. She stood up and walked over to him and placed her hand on his face. His flesh was warm and she could see the rise and fall of his chest. That was all the proof Claudia needed to know that she had successfully resurrected her dad. Viren gasped as he realized the awful things Claudia had done to save him. But Claudia didn't care what anyone thought of her or her actions.

"But... you're okay now," Claudia said to her father and that was all that mattered.

The End

###Author's Note###

Cue season 4! This was probably one of the hardest chapters to write since it's the last. Over these past few weeks, I have loved writing this story and it's hard to say goodbye to it. I just want to thank everyone for reading, voting, and commenting. I didn't expect my story to get this much love and support. My goal was to reach a thousand views and now I have surpassed that goal by over three thousand views! So thank you so very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you loved reading this story as much as I loved writing it. If you like my writing style, or whatever, don't worry I'll be writing more fanfiction soon! Thanks again for all the love and support! -HappyLlama160

*Edit: Wow thank you so much for all the love and support you have given this story! 18K views is just amazing! I'm so happy, so thank you for reading! Also I am currently writing another Rayllum fanfic called Forgotten Memories. (It's pretty good if you want to go check it out) Thank you for reading!- HappyLlama160

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