Chapter 20

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Soren hadn't left his position since Callum and Ezran had gone to free Rayla. They should be back any minute, and he was glad. Now that he had regained his memories he was anxious to leave this illusion of Katolis behind. Soren had one too many bad memories here. All of his life he had wanted to impress his father, to make him proud. However, it was Claudia that Viren had taken a liking to. Soren had always felt like a nuisance to his dad while Claudia had been the perfect child. But Soren had never felt resentment towards Claudia, after all, she was his sister and his best friend. Soren sighed but perked when he heard footsteps approaching. It sounded like Callum and the others had finally returned.

"Took you guys long enough," Soren said as the door opened, but he stopped dead when he saw it wasn't Callum. There stood Claudia, looking furious and frantic, "Oh hey Clauds, what's up?"

"Cut it out Soren," Claudia said as she came closer, "Judging from that look on your face I assume you're helping that vile elf."

"Vile is a strong word. Maybe sarcastic or reckless?"

"She killed our father!" Claudia screamed, "But what does it matter to you. If she hadn't killed him you would've."

"Claudia, listen to me," Soren cautiously approached his sister, "Dad is manipulative and he only has his best intentions at heart. Join us, it isn't too late."

"No," Claudia said, "It is too late Soren, I don't trust you. But I am sorry for this."

"Sorry for what?" Soren asked. In response, Claudia held out her hand and started muttering a chant. Soren tried to fight back, but his limbs felt like lead. It didn't take long before the world went black.


Rayla followed Callum into a room that had four different hallways branching off.

"Which one do we take?" Rayla asked.

"That one," Callum responded pointing to the hallway straight ahead. The group followed Callum as he led them down the hall and into a room filled with bookshelves. When they entered they found Soren waiting for them.

"Took you guys long enough," Soren said as he approached them.

"It's nice to see you too," Rayla said, "Also thanks for letting me borrow your sword."

"It's no problem," Soren replied.

"Great, now let's go home," Callum said as he crossed the room and opened the door on the other side. He held out his hand to Rayla, and she gladly took it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Soren gag as she took Callum's hand. That was kind of rude and unusual for him. Before she could think much on it Callum pulled her into a vast room with tall ceilings. On the other side was the scepter resting on a raised platform. Rayla let out a relieved laugh.

"You guys found it!" Rayla cried out.

"I know it's hard to believe," Ezran said, "It was much easier then I thought. I mean, we didn't travel hundreds of miles or put our lives in danger that often."

"Let's just be grateful for that," Callum said as they continued toward the scepter. Rayla let go of Callum's hand when he climbed unto the platform. He turned around to face her and a look of panic crossed his features.

"Rayla look out!" Callum yelled. Rayla instinctively ducked and she felt the whoosh of a sword pass over her head. She rolled to the side and saw Soren raise his sword once again.

"What the heck Soren!" Rayla cried as she too pulled out her sword.

"Oh but I'm not Soren," The fake Soren snapped his fingers and Rayla watched as the illusion fell to reveal Claudia. Claudia looked almost insane, her eyes had a crazed hatred bubbling in them and her mouth was in a crooked smile. Rayla suspected that Claudia had finally snapped. 

"Ezran and Callum, run!" Rayla yelled, "I'll take care of her." Rayla saw Ezran take Zym and Bait and hide behind a couple of old crates.

"You can't take her alone!" Callum called to Rayla. Claudia started laughing hysterically and raised her hand towards Callum.

"I'll deal with you later Callum," Claudia said as she flicked her hand causing the snake chains to wrap around him. Claudia then turned her attention to Rayla and started muttering a spell. Rayla knew this was her chance. All she had to do was buy Callum enough time get out of the chains and break the spell, she could do that. Rayla raised her borrowed sword and charged Claudia. 

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