Episode 1 - "Another fan fiction?"

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Mulder was glad he'd taken some abuse from Scully, as it warmed him up for the bollocking he got from The Boss soon after. He was really unreasonable. It was luck Mulder had been in the right place at the right time, and had so been able to provide the information on the fugitive's location. The Boss wasn't satisfied though, as the fugitive was out of The Box. It seemed the risks Mulder had taken in the pursuit, and his blind luck, where just not good enough.
While walking back to his office, fresh from the bollocking, something occurred to him. If he hadn't stopped when that Range Rover had got in his way... If he'd just mounted the kerb without stopping, he would've been able to put his car between the fugitive and Poole bridge, preventing the fugitive's escape, maybe.
Mulder got back to his office and slumped into his crappy office chair.
From her desk opposite his, Scully looked up over her reading glasses at him. "How'd it go?"
"Badly. I mean... I'm gonna get myself killed doing this work. I'm a married man, yknow? Just what does he expect me to do?"
Scully frowned, and turned back to her computer screen. "I dunno Mulder, maybe some work? He knows you're just doing crosswords in here."
"Oh yeah," Mulder retorted angrily, "and what are you typing?"
Scully faltered. "A very important... Memo.
"Another fan fiction? Supernatural?"
"No, no... I do that on my own time. This one's the Big Bang theory."
Mulder jumped out of his seat and leaned across the two desks. Scully was faster, and turned off the monitor before he could see anything more than the title; "Bang Me".
"Fuck off."
"Oh come on Dana," he whined, "why shouldn't I read it?"
"Because you know me."
"I've never seen you before in my life."

When Scully got home from work, and locked her beloved car, a white Toyota GT-86, she spotted her neighbour, Paul, doing something under the bonnet of his Daewoo.
Paul was an old guy, who had his leg in a cast. Before Scully got her GT-86, she had had a 55-plate Lotus Elise, which Paul had been very interested in, and had once changed the brake discs for her, and for his own entertainment.
Scully said "Hi", but he didn't hear her. She stood right in front of him, looking down into the engine bay. where he way trying to lever back some kind of spring, or something.
"Hello!" Scully said, causing Paul to look up and jump out of his skin. Somehow he had no peripheral vision, and so it was absurdly easy to sneak up on him.
She had a good chat with Paul. He was trying to put a new auxiliary belt on his car, but was having trouble with the belt tensioner, as it was very stiffly sprung.
She had never told Paul what she did for a living, and he had never asked. From her suits, he must've known it was some office-based work, but he really was not the kind of person who found offices interesting.
They had a good little chat, and then Scully entered her flat, where she lived alone, to chill for the rest of the day.
Sometimes she felt a little jealous of Mulder, with his wife and two kids, and a nice little semi-detached house in the suburbs.

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