Episode 1 - Meet the Professionals

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The next morning at work, the Boss, Carl, called a quick meeting, in which two other agents attended.
"This is Bodie and Doyle, Bodie and Doyle, this is Mulder and Scully." Carl introduced them.
Bodie and Doyle both looked old enough to be retiring some time soon, and they kind of resembled a gay couple.
"Last night agents Bodie and Doyle succeeded in recapturing the fugitive." Carl shot Mulder a nasty look. "You might learn a thing or two from these guys."
Bodie spoke up. "Yeah, it wasn't too difficult. He was off his face!" They both laughed.
"Would you mind waiting outside for a moment boys?"
"Yeah, sure." the two dinosaurs got up and left.

The boss took a sip of his coffee and shuffled his files and papers about.
"Okay. There have been UFO sightings in Hamworthy park, very close to where the Fugitive was captured..." Again he was looking at Mulder. "We have to consider the possibility that he arranged to meet the UFO, and return to his home planet. I will be personally staking out the park tonight... And for you two, I have found you a case." He slid a file across the table to Scully, who was gritting her teeth. She hated Carl's Birmingham accent.
"A haunting, out past Blandford in a village called..." Carl glanced at his paperwork. "Okeford Fitzpaine."
Mulder closed his eyes and bit his tongue. He hated investigating in the country. Scully always ended up flirting with some buck-toothed bumpkin.
Once the Boss had left, Mulder and Scully got talking to Bodie and Doyle, and discovered that they had not only recaptured the fugitive, but also let him escape in the first place.
"That Brummie bloke came to our office," Bodie jabbed his thumb over his shoulder, "looking for a couple of hard men to escort a prisoner to Yorkshire..."
Mulder and Scully both exchanged confused glances. neither of them had realised the fugitive was being moved.
""Yeah, well... He paid us a couple of big ones each, so it was no questions asked, know what I mean?"
"So how did he get away?" Scully asked.
"Well we had no idea he was gonna be an alien... I mean, how did he forget to mention that?"
"And we had no idea he was gonna be such a nice guy," Boyle added.
"Yeah, yeah..." Bodie nodded vigourously. "Yeah, that too. I mean, we didn't even know aliens existed, but he was such a laugh that we decided to stop and have a race and a few drinks at the kart track at Matchams."
"And then he just drove off in the go-kart?" Scully asked with obvious clear contempt.
"Well we did go after him, but er..." Bodie scratched his mostly bald head, "We went easy on him, cos he's such a nice guy, and... Yeah. He got away."
"We did catch him again." Bodie added. "It's no biggie."

"Yorkshire?" Mulder pondered, leaning back in his chair.
Scully shrugged. "Fuck knows. Can you believe Carl entrusted two guys who had no experience with aliens to take the prisoner all the way over there though?"
"Yeah, I can believe that. Wanna go there and see what we find?"
"What would we actually be looking for...? Actually, don't answer that question."
"What? We might dig up something interesting." He picked up the Poole and Bournemouth Echo and turned straight to the puzzle page.
"Mulder... If you're trying to avoid this case we've got in the country, then trust me on this... Yorkshire will be much worse."
Mulder sighed and twiddled his biro. When he was younger, nothing would've stopped him from heading up there and digging up the reasons behind Carl's suspicious behaviour... But now he felt that it wasn't worth the effort, and it didn't even interest him that much anymore.
Now he had access to their captured alien it all seemed like old hat.
Now he was a part of a conspiracy he had worked so hard to uncover, and he still didn't understand it. It still niggled him, and his mind still worked over it, but he didn't have the drive to get up and nose around. Nowadays he preferred crosswords.

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