Chapter One

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Chase's POV
2 years later...
I wake up gasping, pain running down my spine. You'd think I'd get used to it, after it happening every fucking morning for the past two years, but it actually gets worse.

I turn onto my stomach and reach out for my nightstand where my phone is. I grab my phone and tap on the top of my screen. "3:15 am," Siri says.

"Fuck!" I swore, chucking my phone somewhere in the distance. I hear it hit something near the window.

Two seconds later I hear my mums bedroom door open and her footsteps in the hall. She opens my bedroom door and I feel her sit beside me. "Another nightmare?" She asks softly. I nod. I feel the blanket lift and her cuddle up beside me.

I'm so grateful I have my mum. At 42, she is a well known women for having her own law firm. Unlike my father she still finds time for me.

"Do you need some pain killers?" She asks. I shake my head. "I love you, my baby," she murmurs and minutes later I hear her snoring lowly.

"I love you too," I whisper, kissing her forehead and falling into a deep slumber.

I get woken up again at 6. My mum helped me into my wheelchair and then she wheeled me to the kitchen, where we had breakfast together, before she had to leave for work at 8

"Any plans today?" Mum asks.

"Just the usual," I mutter, picking up my toast and biting into it. Being blind sucks, because my mum has to cut everything for me. I'm 18 and sometimes she has to spoon feed me.

"What are you listening to?" She asks.

"I've starting listening to Looking for Alaska," I Answer. "Byron told me to."

Byron was my physical therapist. I have therapy with him every Tuesday and Thursday. I can't walk again, but he's getting me arm muscle, so I don't need my mum to lift me onto my chair or the toilet. I can do it myself. People don't actually realise how much strength you need to lift yourself up when 50% of your body is dead.

Then on Monday and Wednesday afternoons I have to talk about my feelings with my other therapist Molly. My friends, Kyle, Luke and Brody, say she has big bazoongas. There word play, not mine.

"I think maybe you should go back to school," Mum suddenly blurts out. I choke on my toast and start cough. I jump when I feel mum rubbing my back. "Sorry honey."

"What's wrong with me being home schooled?" I ask.

"Honey I need to go back to work full time," Mum says. "I work from 8:30-2:30 just to get back for your therapy sessions," she explains. "Which brings me to my next argument-" I roll my eyes, at her lawyer talk. "I want to get you a helper."

"A What?" I ask, frowning.

"Someone to help you with your day-to-day life," Mum says. "Help you get dressed, make you breakfast, help you get around school."

"Can't Kyle do it?" I ask. "I don't feel comfortable with someone else doing it."

"I need someone who will be professional," Mum says. "Not put you in a silly outfit, because it would be funny."

I blush in embarrassment, remembering that day. "Yeah That was a bad day," I say.

"So what do you think about going back to school?" Mum asks.

I shrug. "I'll think about it."

"Did you like the book?" Byron asks, as he watches me bench press.

I nod gritting my teeth. "Of course, I love John green."

"What time were you up this morning?" Byron asks.

I push the bar up and let out a breath. "Your my physical therapist, not Molly."

He chuckles. "Fair point, But Answer my question."

"6am," I Answer. "But I got up at 3am too."

"Still bothering you, huh?"

"Take the bar," I say, having enough. He does so and I pant. "And yes the nightmares are still bothering me."

"Talking to Molly doesn't help?" He asks. He puts me into my wheelchair and pushes me somewhere. I suddenly feel weights in my hands. "16 kilos first," he says.

I start pumping them and shake my head. "I wish it did, but it happens every night."

"Maybe I should suggest to your mother to put you on medication," Byron says.

I frown. "Medication?"

"Sleeping pills," Byron chuckles.

"Oh," I say. "That's not a bad idea."

"It's your mums decision though," Byron says. "What's the saying mother knows best?"

I chuckle. "In That movie, isn't the mother evil?"

I could sense that Byron was rolling his eyes. "We are getting your mother's opinion."

"Offensive," Kyle, one of my best mates says, after I told him my mum said he couldn't be my helper.

"I'll do it," Brody says. I believe he and Luke were playing my Xbox, cause I heard gunshots. "I don't mind helping out you and your mum."

"Yeah your mums hot," Luke says. "I'd offer but we all know how that would turn out."

"Chase in a ditch somewhere," Kyle chuckle.

"Hello boys," I hear my mothers voice. "How are we all?"

"Good," they all answer.

"How's your dad, Brody?" Mum asks, sweetly.

"He's getting there," Brody answers. "Last chemo for a little while."

"That's good news," Mum says. "Are you three staying for dinner?"

"Sorry, Miss Owen's we can't," Luke claims. "Big party tonight."

I could picture my mother's frown. "On a Tuesday?"

"Yeah," Kyle says. "It's Tana's sweet 18th."

"Isn't it sweet 16?" I ask.

"It's Tana," Brody States.

"Who's She again?" I ask.

"That blonde you were with-" I hear a slap and then Luke groan.

"Shut up," Kyle hisses.

"Were you going to say that blonde I was with the night of the accident?" I ask. There was no answer. "Guys you don't have to tread on glass around me," I whisper. "I'm fine."

But was I really?

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