Chapter Fifteen

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Chase's POV
"Fuck," Kyle says, as we walk (Well I get pushed by Brody who's walking) to English. "And your not mad?"

"I was at first," I say. "But I got over it."

"I would've punched him," Brody growls. "Who does that? That's breakin' bro code."

"It was a pretty dick move," Kyle says. "Talking about dicks How's Mrs Wilson?"

I could sense Brody rolling his eyes. "Tyler is fine."

"And how about Mrs Owens?" Kyle asks.

I chuckles. "She's good, hates her brother."

"Understandable," Brody says.

I stop moving and feel Brody pat my shoulder. I then hear his feet walk away.

"Ooh a hot substitute," Kyle whispers in my ear.

"Good morning," I hear a feminine voice. "Mr Donaldson is out sick for the day, so I'm his substitute," she says. "My name is Ms Stella."

"Hello Ms Stella," Kyle murmurs. I chuckle.

"Something funny?" I hear Ms Stella ask. I ignore her and get my books out of my bag. I jump when a hand slams down on my desk. "I asked you a question," she growls.

"Uh Nothing," I say.

"Please stop interrupting my class," she says. I hear her walk away. "Please continue reading the book Mr Donaldson gave you."

As I didn't have it on audible Kyle slowly starts reading to me. For everyone who doesn't know Kyle is dyslexic. Only Brody, Luke and I know. So not only was it a struggle for him to read, it was a struggle to listen to him.

"W-with me and Chase, it wasn't like that at all, not even when he undressed me. I-I'd never been n-aked in front of a boy before," Kyle snorts at the end. "What a virgin."

"Why are you reading out loud?" The snobby bitch, Ms Stella asks Kyle. "And why aren't you reading?" She asks me.

"He can't read," Kyle says.

"Well He can't learn if your reading it to him," she says. "Now stop interrupting my class or I will send you to the office."

"It's not your class," I retort.

"Excuse me?"

I smirk. "You heard me."

"Did you hear that everybody," Ms Stella says. "Chase just offered to read to the class."

"Uh Miss-" Kyle stops talking and I frown.


"God You Bitch," I hear another girl voice say. "He's fucking blind."

Everyone's quiet and then I hear the snobby bitch clear her throat. "Everyone please continue reading," she says. I hear her walk away and Kyle snickers.

"Who was that girl?" I ask.

"Oh that was Elisa," he says. "She's hot."

I roll my eyes. "Is that all you think about?"

He chuckles. "Yeah and your mum."

I push him off his chair and he bursts out laughing.



I sigh as I hear my mum pacing the living room. I told her about what happened in English after my session with Molly and she isn't exactly happy about it. "I should go to the school board about this," Mum says. "They should warn substitute teachers about your condition."

I shrug. "I don't really care, I love messing with them."

"Chase," my mum growls.

I sigh. "Sorry."

"It just pisses me off, when people treat you like shit," Mum says, kissing my forehead.

"I know," I say. "But mum I'm 18, I can handle it myself."

I hear my mum choke back a sob. "But Your my baby boy," she whispers, sitting in my lap and hugging me. "I like taking care of you."

"Mum," I whine, pushing her off me. "I love you, okay, but sitting on my lap is weird."

"Sorry," Mum says. "And I love you too."

"What's for dinner?" I ask. "I'm starving."

Mum groans. "Probably pizza," she answers. "Ever since Byron's been staying the night, I can't be bothered cooking. I'm so drained."

I scowl. "Ew Mum," I whine.

She giggles. "Sorry honey."

The phone rings and I grunt when mum chucks it into my lap, hitting my dick.

"Hello?" I gasp into the phone.

"Chase?" I hear Montana's confused voice.

"Yeah," I whisper.

"You Okay?"

"My mum threw the phone at my dick," I croak, the pain unbearable.

"You can feel that?"

I roll my eyes. "My legs are paralysed not my penis."

She laughs. "Sorry just always was curious."

"You wanna Have sex with me?" I tease.

"Someday," she admits, making my eyes widen.

"Jesus," I mutter, making her giggle.

"Anyway that's not why I called," she says. "Sophia wants to see you."


"You don't have to," Montana says. "I just told her what you said after I told you about what happened two years ago and-"

"I'll do it," I say.


I flinch and remove the phone from my ear. "I want to see her," I repeat. "I mean not see her but talk to her."

Montana laughs. "Are you sure?" She asks, seriously.

"Yeah," I say. "You set it up and just text me the details."

"Okay," she says. "Talk to you later?"

I smile. "Absolutely."

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