Chapter Eight

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Montana's POV
"Uh!" I scream, throwing my jackets out of my wardrobe. "I have nothing to wear!"

"Honey," Sophia says. "You have heaps of nice clothes here." She walks over to my lamp and takes off my leather jacket. "This is nice."

"Just nice," I snap. "It's not beautiful enough to knock Chase's socks off."

"You do realise he can't see right?" Sophia asks. "You could wear what you normally wear and he wouldn't notice a thing."

I squint my eyes at her. "That's just being a bitch."

She puts her arms up in defence. "I'm just saying."

I snatch the leather jacket off her and grab my white ripped jeans and my nice black flower shirt and storm out of my room and to the bathroom. I go to open it but it was locked. I bang on it. "What!?" I hear James yell.

"I need to use the bathroom," I yell back. "How long are you gonna be?"

"I'm taking a dump," he says. "Get changed somewhere else."

I huff and head back to my room. Sophia had left so I closed my door and got changed. I guess I would have to wait to shower till tonight.

My eyes widen when I see the time of my digital clock on my bedside table.


Shit he's gonna be here in five minutes.

I brush my hair down and spray myself in perfume, before heading downstairs and grabbing my mothers purse. I take out a twenty and put it in my back pocket.

The doorbell rings and I run over to it. I open it and find Brody. "Hi," I say.

"Hey," he smiles. "Chase is waiting, so we better move."

"Bye mum," I scream, not letting her talk back and shutting the door. I get in the backseat and Chase turns around. "Hey," I say, softly.

"Hi," he smiles.

Brody drives out of my driveway and we head down the road. We get on the highway and I see Brody flinch. I look outside and my eyes soften.

On the side of the road was a pile of flowers and candles. I saw a picture and just naturally thought-

That's where Chase had his accident.

After Brody drops us off and pushes Chase to his seat, our date has started. "How was school?" I ask him.

"Good," he answers. "I think I'm getting somewhere with Brody."

I frown. "Huh?"

"Oh do you not know about him and-"

"I do," I Answer. "Tyler told me the day that we-" I clear my throat and blush.

"We kissed?" Chase finishes, smirking.

"Uh you are friends with The Three," I scowl.

He frown. "The Three?"

"That's what Tyler and I call Luke, Kyle and Brody," I Answer, chuckling. "It's The Four now though."

"The Fantastic Four," Chase jokes.

"I don't think fantastic," I say.

A lady walks over and smiles at me. "Hey I'm Delilah, I'll be your waitress tonight," she says. "Can I get you guys anything to drink before I begin taking your orders?"

"I'll have a Lemon Lime and Bitters," I Answer. I look over at Chase. "Chase?"

"Uh just a Coke Thanks," He says. Delilah walks off and I open my menu.

"I love this place," I say. "You can read this menu by the way." He frowns. "There's Braille."

"Impressive," He says, opening his menu. Delilah comes back with our drinks and smiles at me again. Doesn't even glance at Chase.

"What can I get the both of you?" She asks.

"I'll have Toni's Steak burger," I say. "Chase what would you like?"

"Can I get the same, except instead of of chips, onion rings?" Chase asks. Delilah nods and writes it down. She walks away and chase frowns. "Can I get the onion rings?"

"She nodded," I say.

"Oh," he says. "I guess I'm flattered she doesn't realise I'm blind."

"You can't really tell unless you tell them," I say. "If Tyler didn't tell me, I probably wouldn't of known."

He nods. "Good to know."

I sip on my drink and watch Chase, as his hands search for his drink. He grabs it, spilling it a little and takes a sip. "Is it hard?" I whisper, my eyes widening when I realise was I said. "You don't have to answer that, I don't even know why I said-" he raises an eyebrow and I shut up. "Sorry."

"I don't mind," he says. "You of all people know I don't like people walking on glass around me. If you want to ask questions, ask away."

I clear my throat. "Is it hard?" I repeat.

"Being blind or paralysed?" He asks, sipping his drink again.

"Both," I whisper.

He nods. "Of course It is," he answers. "My mum has to bathe me, dress me and has to cut my food for me. It sucks," he explains. "But it's my life. I can't be depressed about it, because I have to live with it, one way or another."

I nod. "Your a very bright person Chase," I say. "I, Um suffer from depression," I admit.

His eyes widen. "Oh?"

"I was diagnosed at 14," I say. "When my Then 16 year old brother found me cutting myself with my razor." I grab Chase's hand which makes him jump and run his fingers over my scars on my wrist.

"When was the last time?" He asks softly.

"I was sixteen," I say. "After Luke found I was suicidal and spread it around school, creating the name Emo."

Chase's body turns rigid. "Fuck, I will kill him," he growls. "They call you that because of that?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Next time I hear him I'm gonna punch him in the face," Chase mutters.

I giggle. "I love that saying."

He frowns. "What?"

"When I hear him," I say. "It's cute."

Delilah comes back with our meals and places mine in front of me and Chase's in front of him. "Enjoy," she says.

"Do you want me to cut up your burger?" I tease.

He chuckles. "I think I'm good."

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