Chapter Seventeen

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Chase's POV
"So," Luke says after dinner and Montana left. "You two are serious?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"How was your lunch?" Kyle asks.

"It was fine," I say. "As usual James isn't my biggest fan."

"Who cares," Brody says. "He's a jackass anyway."

"Something was up with Montana tonight though," I say. "Did you guys see that?"

"I did," Brody says. "She seemed distant towards you."

"I knew I wasn't being paranoid," I mutter. "Do you think I should confront her about it?"

"Don't know," Brody says. "I mean it might. You confronted me about telling Kyle and Luke and I did."

"I think you should dump her and shag someone else," Kyle says. "Ow!"

"Shut the hell up," Luke says.

My eyes widen in surprise. "You want me to be with Montana."

"Yeah, well you two look good together," Luke says, casually. "Plus if she suggests a threesome hopefully you will pick me."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not having a threesome with you," I say. "If I had a threesome it will be with two girls."

"Definitely go for Penelope," Luke says. "Ow!"

"Shut the fuck up about my sister!" Brody snaps. "I'm still pissed you went there!"

"I'm drunk," Luke says. "I do stupid things when I'm drunk."

Kyle laughs. "Remember when he peed all over Mrs Jabecki's lawn?"

I chuckle. "Or when he dry humped Mr Peters mailbox?"

"Okay Enough Guys," Luke sighs.

"Remember when we tried those pills from Skull," Brody laughs. "A-and he tried to have a threesome with Kyle's grandparents."

We all burst out laughing except Luke who was groaning.

"Why are their three men on the floor crying?" I jump and turn to my mothers voice.

"Just reliving the old days," I say to her. "Brody made dinner by the way."

I hear her feet walk away and Kyle whistles, while Brody helps me back on my chair. "Your mums not happy with you."

"She's mad I forgave Sophia."

"You What!?" They all exploded.

"Look I don't forgive her for cheating on Nick," I say. "But I don't blame her for my accident."

"Why?" Luke asks.

"Because I knew Nick was drinking," I state. "I decided to get in the car with him."

"Dude You can't blame yourself," Kyle says softly.

"I can't blame Nick either because he's dead," I say. "I'm not blaming anybody. It just happens. I've driven drunk heaps of times. It just takes one time to end up like me."

They were all quiet. "You should speak to other high schools," Brody says.


"Be a motivational speaker," Brody States. "Talk to kids about drink driving."

I hum. "Maybe I will."

"That's a great idea!" Luke says. "I've driven drunk so many times I might need to hear this speech."

"Don't drink and drive or you end up in a wheelchair," I say. "The End."

"Good speech," Luke says and I hear him and the boys clapping.

I roll my eyes.


Today was weird.

Like really weird.

Montana didn't turn up for Japanese.

I mean when I got to class, I understood that sometimes that she is late.

But then ten minutes turned into thirty.

And then thirty turned into an hour.

She's really avoiding me and I don't know why. Did I say something wrong? Do something wrong?

I know I didn't move too fast cause we've hardly did anything. We've talked about it, but not actually done stuff.

So now I sat at the table with the gay couple, as they flirted with each other. Kyle was with Tiana, Luke was-

"What's Luke up to?" I ask, Brody and Tyler.

"Don't know," Brody answers.

"Wheres Montana?" I ask Tyler.

"She went to the library for some reason," Tyler answers. "She never goes to the library."

I bite my bottom lip in worry. She's avoiding me. Great.

"Brody take me to Montana."

"Uh now?"

"Yes now," I say. "I can't sit here and listen to you two flirting anymore."

Brody chuckles and a couple seconds later I feel him moving me.

"What's going on with you and Montana?" Tyler asks, as we move.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"She seemed happy on Friday," Tyler says. "She said you two were suppose to go out with Sophia and James. Did that go well?"

"For me it did," I say. "I haven't had a nightmare since."

"Your Brain has released the stress of the accident," Tyler says. "You have found out why Nick was angry and have forgiven James and Sophia."

"Future therapist?"

"Hope so," Tyler answers.

We stop and I hear Montana gasp. "What are you guys doing here?" She asks.

"I need to talk to you," I say.

"We will leave you to it," Brody says.

I hear them walk away and take a deep breath.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

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