Chapter Twenty Six

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Chase's POV
Montana pulls away from me and giggles. "Hey sexy," she purrs.

I chuckle when I smell the weed whiffing off of her. "Hey sunshine," I say.

"This Party was really boring till,  Luke made it fun," she chirps.

I sigh. Of course it was Luke. "We better go," I say.

"What. No!" Mum growls. "She can leave, not you."


"It's my birthday," she snaps. "You have to stay."

"Can someone at least put her into my old bed," I say.

"I'll do it," Tyler says.

I feel her being lift off of me and her giggle as Tyler walked away.

"She's a lot of fun," Luke says. "High Montana is fun Montana."

"Kyle can you do me a favour?" I ask him.

"Sure," he says. "What?"

"Slap Luke upside the head," I whisper. I smirk when seconds later I hear it happen.

"What was that for?" Luke growls.

"For gettin' Montana high," I snap. "I wanted to reconcile Mum and Montana and you made it worse," I hiss.

"Sorry," he apologises. "She just looked miserable."

"Your mum told the bartender she wasn't allowed to drink," Brody States.

I groan and run my fingers through my hair. "I've tried," I say. "I've tried so many times to make my mother like her and she won't. How am I suppose to spend the rest of my life with Montana, when my mother hates her?"

"Maybe you shouldn't talk to her for a while," Kyle says.

"Who?" I ask.

He sighs. "Your mother."


"I know it's hard because your a Mumma's boy and everything," Kyle says. "But I think it will be better for the long run."

"When did Kyle become the smart one?" Luke asks.

"Oh shut up," Kyle growls. "I can be smart."

We all laugh and I could sense that Kyle was crossing his arms pouting.

"She's asleep," I hear Tyler says. "What's so funny?"

"Kyle said he can be smart," Brody says.

Tyler giggles. "Your so funny Kyle."

Kyle sighs. "Whatever."

Montana groans beside me, as Brody helps me into bed. She snuggles into me and Brody chuckles. "She's gonna have bad withdrawal symptoms when she wakes up," Brody says. "I'll grab her a glass of water."


A couple minutes later I hear the door shut. "You Okay?" Brody asks. "Comfortable?"

"Both Yes," I chuckle.

"I meant about your mum," he says. "I know it's gonna be hard to cut all ropes with her."

I sigh.  "Why does Kyle of all people have to be right?"

Brody chuckles. "Sorry mate."

Montana moans and I flinch surprised when her cold hands touch my bare stomach. "How are you getting home?" I ask.

"Uber," he answers. "It's downstairs waiting for me."

"Well then go," I laugh. "Don't let me keep them waitin'."

He chuckles and pats my shoulder. "See ya later."

I hear the door open and close and then it's quiet.

Except for Montana's snore.

In the morning, Mum helps me into my wheelchair.

Now I sit in between the two. It's a very awkward breakfast

"Oh god," Montana groans.

"You Okay?" I ask her.

"I have a headache," she mutters.

"No wonder why," Mum grumbles. I sigh clutching my head.

"Yeah cause your party was boring," Montana snaps.

"Maybe your just immature," Mum growls.

"I'd rather be immature then have a stick up my-"

"Okay enough!" I yell. I turn to my mother and smile. "Mum you need to know that, Montana isn't going anywhere," I state. "I love her and she loves me."

"Honey you say that now b-"

"Mum," I say, my voice raising a little. "It's either you get along with Montana or you won't see me for a while."

Mum gasps. "Baby that's not ne-"

"Yes it is," I growl. "She's my girlfriend for god sake," I snap. "You won't respect her because you want to be the only women in my life. Well guess what, your not. You never will be, because I'm 18 Mum and I don't need you anymore."

Mum sobs and I feel my heart break. I took it too far. "You don't need me!" Mum cries. "Every boy needs there mother."

"Emily I'm sure he doesn't mean it like that," Montana says softly. "He will always need his mother. He just doesn't need-"

"I don't need a carer," I cut in. "You've took too much of your own life, helping mine, that now it's all you want to do."

I hear Mum sob again. "I love taking care of you," she cries. "Your all I have left."

"You have Byron now mum," I whisper. "Maybe instead of focusing on me, you can work on your relationship with him."

Mum hiccups. "Where will you do physical therapy?"

I smile at her sadly. "At a gym."

Mum sniffles. "You'll call me?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Okay," she says. "We won't see each other for a while," she whispers. "N-not till I realise that Montana is important to you."

"Thank you," I say in appreciation. "I love you mum."

"I love you too," she croaks. She hugs me and I pat her on the back as she sobs into my shoulder. She pulls away and kisses my forehead. "You better look after him," she growls at Montana. 

"I will," she says.

"Don't think I didn't notice the bruises on his nose," Mum snaps. "Byron told me what happened."

"I'll talk to James," Montana says. "But I'll just say that he has his own life and opinions. Ones that are different than mine."

"Just watch him," Mum says. "He's yours to protect now."

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