Chapter Twenty Two

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Chase's POV
"Hi mum," I greet her, as Luke pushes me in the front door for my session with Byron.

I still have to do my physical therapy at mum's place due to the fact that Luke and I's condo isn't that big.

"Hey sweetie," she says, kissing my forehead. "How was your weekend?"

"Good," I Answer. "Montana stayed over Friday night and then Saturday Kyle, Brody, Luke and I had a couple of drinks."

That was half a lie. Technically we did drink together just not at home. We went to a pub. Luke got us fake ID's.

He's a brilliant friend.

"Montana's been staying over?" Mum asks, distaste in her voice.

"Yeah," I Answer. "She's my girlfriend."

"I can see this subject is a little testy," Luke mutters. I chuckle. "How was your weekend, Ms Owens?"

"Lovely," she answers, peeking up. "Byron and I went away."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes," Mum answers. "We went to Byron's parents cabin in Canada."

"That sounds amazing," Luke comments. "Maybe Byron can let us go up for a weekend," Luke whispers to me.

I smirk and then hear footsteps towards us. "Ready Chase?" I hear Byron asks.

"If I say no, am I done for today?" I ask, smiling.

Byron chuckles. "Sadly no."

"Well I'll talk to you later, Chase," Luke says. "5 right?"

I nod and a few seconds later I hear the front door shut.

"How's the new place?" Byron asks, as I feel him pushing me.

"Awesome," I Answer. "Except the fact that Luke's taking care of me."

"How's that?"

"He dunked me when he bathed me," I Answer. "Then dropped me when I was peeing and I peed all over myself. And also chucked a remote at my face."

"That sounds excellent," Byron teases.

"He's gotten better," I say. "And I feel bad, because he's gotta study all the time to get a scholarship for Harvard."

"That sucks," Byron says. "Maybe He could ask the bank for a student loan."

I hum. "I'll tell him that."

"Now let's get started," Byron says. "Don't think I don't know about all that junk food you've been eating."

I chuckle. "I can't lie, it's been a lot."

"Honey before you leave, are you coming to my birthday party?" My mum asks me, as Luke was about to push me out the door.

"Of course," I say. "Can I bring Montana?"

Mum grunts. "I suppose."

"How about me?" Luke asks. "Am I invited?"

"Of course," Mum chirps. "And Tell Brody and Kyle they are invited too."

"I'll see you Thursday then Mum," I say.

"Love you," she says, kissing my forehead.

"Love you too," I say.

"See ya, Ms Owens," Luke says, pushing me out the door. I grunt as I hit my head, on what I predicted was the side mirror. "Sorry," Luke apologises.

"I'm alright," I say.

He picks me up and puts me in his passenger seat and then shuts the door. A minute later and I hear the driver side open. "You hungry?" He asks.

"Starving," I Answer.

"I feel like Chipotle," Luke comment. "Sound good?" I nod.

After a quiet trip to chipotle and a very awkward introduction from our waiter, Ben, we sit in Chipotle waiting for our food.

"Shit," Luke hisses.

"What?" I ask.

"James Hilton is here," Luke states, disgust in his tone.

"Who's he with?" I ask.

"Scull, Tristan and Randy," Luke answers.


"Tristan's younger brother," Luke answers. "Montana said he's bisexual."

"Oh yeah," I say. "He dated Penelope?"

Luke grunts. "Yeah."

As I was about to ask what the grunt was about I hear loud laughter. "Hey Little Owens," I hear James say.

"Hey," I say.

"I hear your datin' Montana," I think it was Scull say. "How's that workin' out for you?"

"Good," I Answer. "Why?"

"Just cause I've had a taste of Montana Lewis," Scull says. "She's good Right?"

I hold in a growl, as I clench my fists under the this. I hum in response. "Hey ranger," Tristan I believe says.

"Hey," Luke grunts.

"Your quiet," Tristan says. "Normally you go on about how you banged my sister."

"How's she doin'?" Luke asks, in a smug tone.

"She's engaged," Tristan growls.

"Too bad," Luke mutters.

"Watch What Your sayin' ranger," Randy growls. I knew Randy's voice. It was squeaky like. It's why Penelope dumped him.

She made a good decision.

"Hey Randy," Luke says. "It looks like I've not only fucked your sister but your ex girlfriend too." I heard a smack and frown. "You hit like a girl," Luke snaps. "Actually that's rude to all the girls out there. You hit like a five year old."

"Shut your mouth," Randy spat.

"Why you gonna Hit me again?" Luke retorts.

"Chase keep your carer under control," James snaps.

"He's not my carer," I say. "He's my friend."

"Oh I'm sorry," James says, not sorry at all. I grit my teeth and James seems to notice that. "Say it," he orders.

"Say what?" I ask, acting oblivious.

"Don't shit with me," James says. "You May be stronger, but we all know that I have the upper hand. You know, with you being blind and all."

"Hey!" Luke snaps. "Don't go there dude."

"Why not?" James asks. "For years he went on about how he was gonna fuck my sister," James growls. "Now that that's actually happening, I'm gonna have my fun."

"I'm dating your sister," I correct him.

"Oh right," James says. "I forgot, you don't function down there."

The boys around him laugh. "For your information it does still work," I snap. "He worked good on Montana last night."

I grunt as James fist hits my nose. "Shit," I hear Luke grunt.

"Just because you're disabled don't mean I won't hit you," James spat. He literally spat on my shoulder.

I hear them walk away and then feel Luke hand on my shoulder (the other one, not the one covered in spit).

"You Alright?" He asks.

I nod. "Is our Chipotle here yet?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, the waiters been waitin' for them to leave."

"Good," I grumble. "Take me fucking home."

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