6. Gala

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It took Selin a while before she decided to go home.

As he had promised, Demir had called someone to get her window fixed the morning after her attack. He didn't bother to worry her with the details or pester her with questions that forced her to relive the night. One minute her window was broken and the next, it just wasn't. Despite the glaring reminder of her break-in gone, Selin found it difficult to go home - the memories too difficult to relive on her own. It didn't feel safe, nothing remotely like the sanctuary it once was and so, she moved in with her friends temporarily.

One night was spent with Ayda, the next with Merve, then Ibo, then Burak – Selin had her friends on rotation until it well and truly became exhausting. The moving around, the running from her problems was growing increasingly tiring until she couldn't handle it any longer. Her emotions were on a high and there was only one thing she could think of to solve her problems – art.

For the first time in what felt like months, Selin wordlessly upped and left for her studio. She was scheduled to be attending a charity gala event in the evening and it had made sense for her to return home to prepare for one of the biggest events of Istanbul's art and culture community.

The gala was attended by Istanbul's finest crop and Selin was not exempt from this.

"All my clothes are there, after all." Selin had admitted to Merve, whose house she had been occupying most recently. "I think it's time for me to go home." Despite her initial worries, Merve had congratulated Selin for being brave and had let her take the necessary step to return back to normality.

However, on the bike ride back to her place, she had taken a different route without a second thought. There was no Ibo, no music, no added stress of a Demir Erendil deadline she couldn't meet. Her mind was bursting at the seams and her paintbrush was the only thing that could get her through it. She was motivated and despite her plans later in the evening, Selin got to work. She stripped off her jumper, tied back her short hair away from her face and focused wholeheartedly.

With her weapon of choice in hand - a thick bristled paintbrush - Selin practically lunged at the empty canvas. It was like she was doing a dance; a tip-toe to the paint, a giant leap back to the painting. To an outsider, it was a magical thing to watch her work. She was skilled and detailed, a true master at her craft. But to Selin, this wasn't just art, it was the exact outlet she needed.

Before Selin knew it, the sky had darkened outside and the streets had cleared but as she pulled away from her work, her eyes gleaming, she felt a a certain contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time. That initial feeling she got when progressing through a painting had finally kicked in; Demir Erendil had inspired her. Pride filled her eyes as she took in the progress she'd made on Demir's painting, the depths of her soul feeling right.

Selin practically jumped with happiness, the smile captivating her features as she ventured back home. She was no longer frightened about returning or reliving her attack - she was content with herself and a warmth exploded in the depths of her stomach as she walked around her home and into the garden.

"Selin?" Demir, who had just gotten off the phone to his father, was sat on his porch. The air was warm and truthfully, his house had felt empty from the moment Selin had left it. She had stayed with him for two days and he hadn't seen her since, much to his dismay. His dad had been pestering him with work and he barely even had the time to breathe. But a part of Demir had also been vigilant to the fact that Selin's house had been dark for weeks - like she hadn't been coming home. The thought saddened him because it meant she was still as deeply impacted from the attack since he had last seen her.

So, seeing her this evening with a giant smile on her face was a surprise, a pleasant surprise.

"Ah, Demir!" Selin turned to him, her infectious glee not missed on him.

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