7. Confessions

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Demir Erendil did not pin himself to be a jealous man - it was a thought he was now re-evaluating.

Accustomed to the fresh hell that was Turkish paparazzi, Demir and Selin had travelled to the gala dinner together but entered separately. Selin liked to stay out of the media and with Demir currently in the spotlight as the city's most eligible bachelor, Selin was quick to offer up the suggestion that they not walk in together. And as much as it bothered Demir for Selin to sneak in through a back entrance, he understood where she was coming from. The glitz and the glamour came with the uncharted territory of gossip. Nobody would be paying attention to what Selin was wearing or the amazing cause that they had come together in support for. For someone like Selin, cheap gossip took the attention away from what truly mattered – helping making a difference.

"Message me when you're in there." Demir smiled as Selin had spoken. In the matter of hours, they had gone from having not spoken in days to messaging each other whilst in each other's presence. It was a step up ... a step closer.

"I will do." Bravely, Demir leaned forward and had left a whisper of a kiss against Selin's cheek.

His nose brushed against her cheek as he pulled away, breathing her in before she could float away from him. The gesture was small – the light kiss on the cheek - something that her friends did to her in passing but somehow, there was just something more that ignited within Selin as Demir's lips touched her skin. His light stubble tickled at her skin and his musky scent that had lingered on his bed sheets that night she had been attacked had now hit her like a tonne of bricks. It was comforting and warm ... and addictive.

Selin had walked into that gala event almost drunk off of Demir's smell and the feeling of him so close to her. She considered him to be her friend now, but a slight devilish voice thought was reminding her that they didn't have to be just friends when his slightest touch drove her so wild. She had never felt like before and it was clear; she was breathless and needy - her cheeks flushing the same red as her dress.

If Demir hadn't stepped away from her, Selin was certain she would have stayed there all night. 

However, as quickly as the wicked voice came, it disappeared when Selin spotted her friends. Like always they were quick to divert her attention. Ibo bought her a drink, the girls gave her hugs and Burak dove into a story about how Ayda had fallen asleep in the middle of dinner.

"She was like a little baby, talking and yawning at the same time," Selin cooed at Ayda mockingly. She was busy with work and her new relationship with Ibo which meant she was tired half the time.

"It wasn't funny!" Ayda defended, jokingly glaring at Burak for laughing at her misfortune. "I scrubbed for hours trying to get the smell of sauce out of my hair."

Preoccupied by Ayda and Burak's childish banter, thoughts of messaging Demir about her whereabouts had completely vanished.

So, when Demir finally walked into the gala, his eyes desperately searching for the brunette in red, he found himself turning all shades of green when he finally laid eyes on her. She was chatting away with a guy that he recognised, one that had been at her house that night had been broken into. Selin's loose hair fell back as she laughed at something he had said and it bothered Demir, more than he cared to admit.

Just minutes ago she had been doing the same with him and Demir desperately wanted that back. He wanted to know everything about her, wanted them to talk till dawn like that night they had gone from being strangers to friends.

He knew he was being unrealistic because frankly, he knew he had no right to be jealous. Selin wasn't his girlfriend, in the grand scheme of things she wasn't really anything to him yet but like all strong emotions, his envy was uncontrollable.

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