31. Domestic

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After Selin's profound declaration, it didn't take long for the pair to slip into a routine of domestication. 

It was easy. 

As much as Demir wanted to run Selin upstairs and ravish her after those words - 'I choose you, Demir' - he knew how to read a room and whilst this was definitely a step forward for them, he didn't want to push her into doing anything she didn't want to do. Instead, Demir pulled her into a hug, his nose rubbing against hers in the most intimate of ways. 

"God, I love you." He hummed into her hair. Before Selin could respond, a light burning smell pulled them away from each other.

Selin pushed Demir away in slow motion, her eyes narrowing comically. 

"Ay, because of you!" Selin cursed, taking the pasta off the hob and dosing the pan with cold water that seemed to enhance the burnt smell in the air. 

"Why because of me?" Demir chuckled, watching her scrap burnt bits into the bin. 

"You ... you distract me," Selin muttered, annoyed that so much food was now going to go to waste. "Oof, Demir, ya, what am I meant to do with this now?"

"What are you meant to do with any of this?" Demir looked around the kitchen. There was no counter space left uncovered by a pan or dish of some sort; Selin had made enough food to feed a small army, let alone just her petite little self. 

"We're going to eat it." Selin grinned before grabbing at some chicken.

"Selin, I'm not touching any of this." Demir could already see the copious amounts of oil and sugar she had used in some of this stuff. Fittingly, his tongue chose that moment to tingle from the remnants of her berry sorbet and he recoiled. "Okay, maybe that sorbet but ... other than that, I'm not touching any of this." 

"Oh Demir, come on-" 

"What possessed you to make all of this stuff anyway?" 

"It was all getting too much ... I ... needed a distraction." Selin shrugged and attempted to move away but Demir caught her wrist. 

"From me?" He asked and Selin simply looked down, her hair falling in front of her face. "Selin, when you feel like things are getting too much ... please, please say something ... even if it's not to me or to a professional, there's Ibo, Ayda, Merve ... just talk to somebody." 

"I know." Selin sighed. "And I'm sorry for panicking you earlier. I didn't mean for it to get like that-" 

"Don't say sorry," Demir kissed the back of her hand gingerly. "Just voice when things are getting too much and we can work around it, okay?"

The pair shared a mutual nod before proceeding to their designated jobs - Demir with cleaning and Selin with eating. 

The whole thing was so natural, so instinctive and immediately, Selin felt reassured by the decision she had just made. The pain in her began to ease and it felt right

"I have an idea!" Selin mumbled suddenly, her mouth brimming with food.  

"Selin-" Demir was elbow deep in soapy water and dirty dishes but he still managed to narrow his eyes at her for speaking with her mouth full. 

"Okay, okay, okay-" Selin swallowed hyperbolically, before opening her mouth to prove it was all gone. "We should invite Vedat around for dinner!" 


"Yeah." Selin nodded her head, yes. 

"As in tonight?" 

"Selin, I love Vedat, he's family ..." Demir dried off his hands, a slight seriousness taking over his face that contradicted Selin's excitement. "But-"

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