34. Burning

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Selin strode over to Demir's house, her heart pounding heavily in her chest. That sound, that rhythmic thumping, echoed in her ears as the world around her dissolved. 

With complete tunnel vision, Selin let herself into the house and her exterior softened as soon as she noticed Demir asleep on the couch. He was a stoic sleeper, that she was used to. He slept with his limbs stretched out and his arms folded across his chest, almost like a vampire in those incredibly bad movies. Selin chuckled softly to herself at his appearance before perching on the little coffee table beside him. 

"I can't let you go," Slowly, Selin ran her fingers through his hair. "You can't let me go either. When we're together, when we hug, when we kiss ... do you know how hard it is for me to let you go? I have to fight with myself and you, you're ... oblivious and asleep." She laughed at herself as she rambled. "Do you know why I wanted to stay away from you? Well ... I ... I was angry, yes, I had a right to be, of course I had a right to be, and now, now I don't know why none of that stuff matters to me anymore ... I'm done waiting for ... whatever I'm waiting for-" 

So wrapped up in her monologue, Selin didn't notice Demir's left eye peek open quickly. He tried to hide his smile, keeping his face as still as possible as he let her confess what she was feeling. However, it was hard. Demir's smile was beaming and Selin's head fell forward as she realised he'd been listening to her ramble all along. "Demir, you're not sleeping, are you?"

Jokingly, Demir kissed his teeth and shook his head, no. "I'm just ... voicing myself out loud here." 

Demir got up, resting his body against an elbow as he admired Selin. Her face was flushed a little pink from the wine she had been drinking but otherwise, she was makeup-free and incredibly gorgeous. 

"How are you this beautiful all the time?" He practically cooed, his eyes unable to pull themselves away from her.

"You're only saying that because I just stroked your ego and made you feel better-"

"No!" Slightly offended by her accusation, Demir leaned forward and kissed her cheek slowly, his nose inhaling deeply. "I'm only saying that because you're Selin, my Selin ... and now that you've found your way back, stay with me. Always."

"I can't leave you anyway." Selin sighed. Despite everything that had transpired between her and Demir, never had she once thought of ending things ... it had never been a feasible option because she knew it was never what she wanted. Demir had infiltrated her life so hard, she knew nor wanted anything or anyone else. 

"Don't leave then." Demir mocked lightly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

This time, Selin took hold of his face and kissed his cheek. Unlike the hours before when she'd pulled away from him, something within her felt different. Merve had been right, she loved Demir, without a doubt, and there was no use constantly pushing him away anymore. No more amount of time apart or honest conversations would change the fact that they were both in this for the long run. 



"Come home." Selin let her head fall forward, their foreheads meeting in the most intimate way. 

Wordlessly, Selin took hold of Demir's hand. Their fingers threaded together and they both stood up, the blanket falling aimlessly off Demir as they returned to the brightly lit, more homely house of the two. 

That transition from Demir's dark house to Selin's brighter one was like crossing this figurative barrier in their relationship. The tightness in Demir's chest eased and as soon as they were in her living room, he tugged on the hand he was holding, Selin's body spinning backward into his own. Using his hands against her elbows, Demir kept Selin's body still, maintaining a certain distance between them. 

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