10. Scared

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It was a rarity when Selin Sever cleaned.

She was a free, messy soul but even she knew a line had been drawn somewhere. Her sink was overflowing with dirty dishes and she was quickly running out of clean underwear so, reluctantly, she took to the task of cleaning her home.

After feeding her beloved pets, Selin started up a routine, working from the upstairs down. Hours later, she was on the last leg of her mission; cleaning out her veranda. Unlike the rest of the house, this was the one spot she kept relatively clean. Her porch was where she did some of her best work, the sun shining down on her and her pets running around by her feet as she sketched. 

With a quick glance under her outdoor furniture, Selin would be done - her spring clean complete. She got down on her hands and knees to look for stray pencils or dog toys when she heard his voice. 

An uncontrollable smile took over her face but quickly disappeared when she realized the gravity of the conversation that her boyfriend was having with someone. She could only hear the one side but from what she could hear, it did not sound pleasant. 

"Dad, Dad - enough!" Demir was huffing into the phone loudly, his tone resembling that of the first day he and Selin had met. He sounded ruthless ... a little scary even. Selin had never been scared of Demir, intimidated sure, but never scared; however, there was something in his voice that made her blood run cold for a fraction of a second. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!"

Demir - who hadn't spotted Selin on her veranda - had stepped out for yet another infuriating call with his Father. 

Ever since learning about his relationship with Selin, Behram had called him relentlessly, issuing threat after threat on Selin's life if Demir didn't succeed with his mission. With blackmail hanging over him heavily, Demir couldn't risk not answering his Dad's calls anymore. So, in the meantime, he was killing time whilst he tried to think of a plan to get himself out of this sticky mess that he had created. 

So far, he hadn't come up with anything. 

He thought about lying to his Father, telling him that Selin knew nothing about their business but truthfully, Demir couldn't be entirely sure of that. He didn't know what Selin knew ... or if she even knew anything. His mission of uncovering the truth had been side-tracked ever since meeting Selin and Demir was almost certain that his Dad would see through his bullshit if he lied. There was no way that Behram would just take Demir's word lying down now that he knew exactly how involved Demir was with Selin. He'd get some sleazy detective out here soon enough; something Demir was trying to steer clear off. 

The longer he kept his Father at bay, the easier (and safer) it would be for Selin. 

"You're getting too big for your boots, son." Behram warned. His patience was running thin and it seemed his son had forgotten who the boss really was. Suddenly, Demir had an answer for everything; a fact which Behram was less than happy with. He was used to being the one in charge and soon enough, his son was going to have to face reckoning just so he was reminded of that fact. "This is my last warning, end things with Selin and find out the truth ... you've got a week-"

"A week?" Demir cried in outrage, his voice rising in volume. He was trying to buy himself time and a week was just not enough! "That's not feasible-"

"Don't talk to me about feasible. You have a week or I'm sending Vedat and Yigit to Istanbul." 

Demir pinched the bridge between his eyebrows in frustration, a light groan escaping the back of his throat. 

Vedat had been his best friend since they were children. If Vedat knew just how deeply Demir cared for Selin he wouldn't dare hurt her. He was a good guy, a great one, who knew what falling in love and suffering from heartbreak felt like. Vedat was a recent divorcee through no fault of his own and still, he was a hopeless romantic. Once Demir told him about Selin properly, he knew he could trust him - blindly. 

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