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Luke was an ok guy. He usually made pervy comments and made girls  uncomfortable.
I walked home. It was 8 o clock.
As the door clicked open I couldn't believe who I saw. Why was Annabeth at my home?! Then my mom walked out of the kitchen while she wiped her hands on the apron. "Percy! This is Annabeth. She will be staying at our place for a few days.  Annabeth,this is Percy. He is my son."
"Yeah. We've met before. I go to Goode too." Annabeth said looking down.

I stepped in and went to my room to shower. When I got out Annabeth and my mom were laughing about something. "Whatcha giggling bout?" I asked them. "Oh nothing. Just about how you used to play with Barbie and Ken  dolls and make them kiss!"Annabeth said laughing her butt off.i felt a blush creeping onto my face as I yelled at my mother"Mom!! You told someone who just came to our house the number one thing you weren't NEVER supposed to mention again!" At that they started laughing even harder. "Yeah yeah laugh at me." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey...um Annabeth dont take it the wrong way but why are you here?"I asked her out of curiosity.

"Uhhh...how do I say this....my mom kicked me out?"was her reply.
"Uh. Sally. Why is one if my students at our home. Oh its Annabeth  is she here to tutor percy cause he really needs a tutor." My stepdad Paul said as he walked in.

"PAAAUUUULLL! Stop being mean to me." I said in a whiney tone.
Annabeth and mom giggled.

As we ate our pasta
my mom and my dad were talking but things were really awkward between me and Annabeth. Although I did feel kinda bad for her. I npticed that she ate messily too.like me just a bit less mess making. That was kinda cute. What? I am truthfull and admit when someone is cute.

After dinner was over I took my plate and placed it in the sink. Annabeth helped my mom and I clear the table and she apologised to my mom for making a mess. I noticed her face flush pink while she apologised over and over again. Cute.


I was kinda feeling  sad that I didn't have a happy family like Percy. But what can I do about it. I was truly thankful for Sally. She was really sweet. And she was an awesome cook. I noticed Percy staring at me ans smiling to himself. Weird. After eating my only meal in years(I usually got an apple or some kind of snack) I started helping Sally and realized I had made a huge mess.

After cleaning up percy called me into his room. I always thought Percy would be rude and stuff but he wasn't that bad. I walked into his room and sat on the chair in one corner. 

The room had bright blue walls with a queen sized bed in the middle. There was a Fall Out Boy poster above the bed. Didn't know he had good taste in music. There were small bedside tables on either side of the bed. In one corner there was a desk and a chair and next to it there was a bookshelf. In front of the bed was a huge flat screen TV with XBox connected to it.

I looked at the bookshelf and grinned. He had all the books of the Peter Jhonson and the Olympians series and the Heroes of Olympus series. "I'm obsessed. Dont judge me." A voice I recognised as Percy's said from behind me. "Me too. I have all the Merchandise I can have in my closet."

"I own some CHB and SPQR hoodies and t-shirts as well. I'm just too embarrassed to wear them."

"Who's your favorite ship?"gods I sound like a twelve year old girly dweeb.
He chuckled in a weird attractive way "it has to be Peterbelle. I know I sound like a girly tweleve year old dude right now but Peterbelle is awesome."

Oh...I thought he would laugh at my face but he didn't.  Wait...Peterbelle is really cute. I love how Peter and-" Earth to Annabeth."
I rolled my eyes at Percy's childish behaviour.
"Okay. So since you are gonna be living at my place for a few days...weeks..months? However long it is, I wanted us to set our differences aside and talk and maybe get to know each other. Ya know..."

It took be a moment to register Percy's question.
"Yeah sure. So...wanna play a game of 20 questions?"

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