3.4 - Night - Changes

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Niall's POV

I understand now why Lucy was so tired when I got there yesterday. I've been running around all day, going above and beyond to make sure everything is just perfect or at least as good as hers. Also, I had to take into consideration contingency plans in case her anxiety acts up and she decides to leave. Everything is under control. But I really hope my friend makes her feel comfortable and welcomed. They're my family, and if I'm gonna get serious with her, then they have to like her, but she has to like them too. I think I got along well with her friends, and so I hope she can get along with mine.

She finally gets here and I take my time greeting her a the door, making sure my friends are nowhere near the front door. A part of them are in the kitchen and the others are in the sitting room. That way, when I take her to the sitting room there would be fewer people. 

She seems a little reserved and I can't read her well, but I hope she's okay. In the middle of dinner, the bottle of wine is empty, and I made sure that the other bottle stays in the kitchen so that I'll have an excuse to be alone with Lucy without making a thing about it.

'I'll go get more wine, the bottle is in the kitchen. Lucy, wanna help me? I think I forgot some sides in the kitchen.'

'Yeah, sure!' She says in a little voice, smiling simply.

'So? How're you doing?' I ask her a bit too fast as soon as we step into the kitchen.

'I'm good! Your friends are really nice. And the food is great!'

'Really? You're comfortable and everything? They're not asking too many questions? You haven't been saying much else. Not really participating in the conversation.'

'That's because I didn't have anything to add. Don't worry Niall. I'm okay. I'm having fun. Even if I don't say much. But just being here, and with you and your friends. I'm okay.'

'So you're not feeling any anxiety?'

'I mean just a bit. Nothing to worry about. Okay, here's a little hint. If you see me constantly checking my phone, turning the screen on and off repeatedly, that's when you start to think that I'm uncomfortable. But I haven't done that yet. So you're okay.'

'Alright. I'll keep an eye out for that.'

'Thank you. I really appreciate your efforts. Someone else wouldn't even have bothered.'

'Don't thank me, darling. This is nothing.' I kiss the top of her head, then give her a plate of Brussel sprouts before we walk back into the sitting room where the big dining table has been set up.

The rest of the evening went as good as it could've been. She only checked her phone 5 times and they were spaced out. As planned, the night wraps up just before 10 PM, and I'm left alone with her. I grab my wallet, phone and keys, and go to her in the sitting room where she's... Cleaning up?

'Hey, what are you doing? I'll take care of that later!!'

'It's okay Niall. Some of these dishes need at least to be soaked. You can't leave them here till later.'

At least she feels comfortable enough? I mean when everyone is gone, she's basically at home here! I should be happy about that. So I help her clean up a bit until I finally convince her that the rest can wait till tomorrow morning. And that's when she noticed that I have my keys with me.

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