Chapter 10 - GET OFF! WHO ARE YOU?

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I walked back into Rose’s room, she was stirring. I walked beside her bed and sat down on a chair and waited for her beautiful eyes to open, Rose started to make a faint noise.

“Rose?” I said softly

“J-ja…” her voice trailed off

I gasped “r-rose!”

Her eyes opened slowly revealing the beautiful colour. I can’t believe it! She’s awake!

“J-jake?” Rose said turning her head to me

“Yeah, it’s me” I said holding her hand

Rose smiled and closed her again “rose?” I asked concerned

I didn’t want her going back into another comma “mm…” she paused “I’m just tired” she whispered

I laughed quietly, she had been sleeping for a few months and wants more sleep?

A few hours later Rose’s dad and his girlfriend came in, then Chloe, Sj and Rebecca.

“When will she be able to come home?” Rose’s dad asked one of the nurses

The nurse kept writing on her clipboard “in a few weeks, we have to see if everything is ok with her before we can let her go”

I had noticed Mr. Mira’s girlfriend had a small baby bump, I guess that’s why Rose may have ended up here in the first place.


{Rose’s POV}

I was waiting in the waiting room for Jake to come and get me, he said that we could go out for lunch then go to the new school… I didn’t know I was going to a new school? The doors opened and a man and a lady with a little baby bump came in, the man started crying when he saw me, he starting running over to me. Before I knew, he had his arms wrapped around me like a teddy bear!

“GET OFF! WHO ARE YOU?” I yelled pushing him away

His mouth dropped open “Rose, it’s me” he reached his hand out

I pushed it away with force “I don’t know you…”

“R-rose, I’m your dad” my ‘dad’ said

“No, no you’re not!” I yelled

He walked over to me and tried hugging me, I pushed him away “GET OFF! LEAVE ME ALONE”

Jake walked into the room, I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jake asked my looking at my eyes

I shook my head “he’s saying that he is my dad”

“He is your dad Rose” Jake held my hands

“I don’t know him!” I whined

“What do u remember Rose?” Jake asked

I paused thinking about Jake’s question “I-I remember everything going white, a lady who looks like me a-and you” I looked at ground

Jake started walking over to the front desk “Am I able to take Rose home now?” he asked a lady sitting in her chair looking at a computer screen

The lady sighed loudly and her eyes flickered to us “hmm…” she paused “yes, you just need an adult to sign her out and fill out a couple of form” she said through her nose

Jake looked over to the man that claimed he was my dad… He started walking over to us, he turned and looked at the lady “are you the father?”

He nodded “yes, but she doesn’t remember that”

“I need to see some ID, then you must fill out these forms” she handed him the forms and he went off and filled them out

Half an hour later he gave the forms back and Jake took me to his car “where are we going?” I asked as he got in the car

“Mark Davidson” he smiled and started the car

//Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been a little busy, doing... doing... school work. Jks I never do school work! 

I just haven't found time to write because I've been training, and I'm out every weekend. But I'll try to stay up to date\\

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