Chapter 7 - Call From Aunty Judy

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I woke up pretty late considering I went to bed at four in the morning, I checked my phone; 23 missed calls from dad. Should I call him back? Nah! I don’t feel like talking him today, well, ever. Oh my god, stop arguing with yourself!

“Rose. Are you up sweetie?” I hear Jake’s mother ask

I turned to face her “yes” I smile

“I’ve made pancakes for you and Jake” she smiled back

“Thank you, sorry about everything last night”

“No, your fine. You can stay here for as long as you want” she winked and walked out the door

I nodded even though she couldn’t see me, I shut the door and got dressed. I was wearing patterned baggy pants with a white singlet, I had my hair up in a messy bun and put on some light make up. Yes I am wearing makeup even though I’m not going anywhere today, I pretty much wear makeup every day. I went downstairs and sat at the table waiting for Jake, his mother was cooking more pancakes

“That’s a lot of pancakes” I softly laughed

“Growing boys” she winked and brought a plate of four pancakes for me

“Thank you” I say and eat three of them

Jake came out with messy bed hair and still wearing his boxers “hey” he smiled at me

I smiled “sleep well”

“Can you tell?” his mother stated

After eating and chatting and spending a day with Jake at his house it was eight o’clock, time flies!

*RING RING* I looked down to my phone *RING RING* it was my aunty.

“Hi Aunt Judy” I said sounding cheerful

“Hi dear! I heard about what happened, are you ok?” how did she know? Oh, dad would have told her

“Yeah I’m fine, I’m glad I left there” I said sitting down on my bed

“Did you get my present?” Aunt Judy said changing the subject

So it was Aunt Judy who got me that gift “so it was you? I didn’t know who sent it”

“Yes, I left the card in the car. Sorry hun” she said

“It’s fine, it was a beautiful present. Thank you” Jake walked into my room as I said that

“I’m glad you like it, your mother wanted to give it to you. She couldn’t in time though” I heard her voice crack

A tear welled up “I wish she was here to see how happy it made me” I sniffled

“Look sweetie, I have to go. You have a good life, I’ll call you next week” she made a kiss noise and hung up before I could say good-bye


I looked at Jake and smiled, he hugged me. I wrapped my hands around him and I wasn’t going to let go.

“I have some good news” Jake said pulling back and lying down on my bed

“You do?” I asked lying down next to him and resting my head on his shoulder

“I get to go with you to Mark Davidson State High” Jake said looking down at me

A HUGE smiled came across my face, I kissed him and fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up to Jake packing up my clothes back into my bags, why was he doing this?

“W-what are you doing?” I asked half asleep

“We’re going to Mark Davidson today, don’t you remember me telling you?”

I sat up and shook my head “no”

He chuckled “you must have been asleep” he zipped up my bags and started taking them to his car

“Wait, I need my bags for a second” I pleaded

He turned around “why?”

“I need something to get changed it” I pouted

“Bathroom” then he turned back around and started walking again

I went into the bathroom and on the bench near the sink was a pair of white short pants that were ripped at the bottom and a black and white striped mid-drift with long sleeves, Jake’s got good taste.

After two hours of waiting to leave Jake came out and told me something “mum will drop off the bags to Mark Davidson, we have to go back and get the rest don’t we?”

I nodded “yes, but-“

Jake put his finger on my lips “we’ll go and get your things and leave” he smiled

I signed and nodded. Jake lifted my chin with his hands, he gently pulled my face to his and he whispered something to me “I love you”

“I lo-“ I couldn’t continue because my lips were already pressed against his perfectly soft lips

Hey guys! 

I just felt like updated today, even thought it's Saturday... that almost (not really) counts as Monday right?

Hope you guys are enjoying, please tell everyone else to read my book. 

That would mean a lot!!!

Have a good weekend       xx

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