24. Protection

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"What do we do? Should we keep working on our green project?" I asked my senior who sighed.

Dr. Li was in the same predicament I had been in. What could we do? Our little desert haven had gone from a greenery project to a UN heritage centre. It wouldn't be long before a lot more boots would come and interfere with our little trees.

We had just planted some behind the mountain.

"We might have to ask you to leave the area around the mountain alone for a while."

Well, that sounded a little better. I could still continue with my greenery project. So far, the trees planted in the first stage of the project had already grown past my belly and were now my height.

I had recently just received a batch of wattle trees. I had read somewhere that they grew very quickly under the right conditions. I wanted to try and recreate their habitat by providing them with enough water. The phase of this project had been relocated to the north eastern part of Bir Tawil, the same place we had found the quick sand.

"You're working on the third stage of the project? How are the preparations going?"

"The set up of the solar farm and fog nets is going well. The well had already been dug closer to the border with Hala'ib so we've set up the pumping station using the solar energy."

"You don't want to set up any more wind farms?"

"We already have one, but the energy produced isn't as much as previously thought."

Dr. Li could only smile before pulling me for a hug. "I am so proud of you. We all are."

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked at her. She shifted from one foot to another. "No. No. It can't be. Come one! Is it my father again?!"

"Apparently, yes. He went to the office and demanded that you come back home. He said you shouldn't be out here in the desert like your brother."


"They're considering pulling you out of this project."

"No. This is my baby! You can't do this to me! My dad has never really cared about what I think. When I told him I wanted to come here, he said I was just lashing and acting out. That I didn't exactly know what I wanted... And now, he wants me back home?"

"He says it is about time you settled down."

I sighed.


"Ryan, can we talk?"

"Sure thing sis," he dismissed the soldiers who he was drilling and came along with me to one of our much taller trees that already had a luxuriant shade. Interesting.

"Do you think it is better for me to settle down as soon as possible?"

He opened then shut his mouth. "Did... Namjoon ask you to..."

"No. Dad."

"I know he sounds like he doesn't have the best-"

"Dad went and caused trouble at work. Ryan, I might lose my job if he keeps doing this. What do I do?"

My brother obviously saw my panicked state, and quickly drew me into his arms to comfort me. That helped for a little while before I started thinking of the many barriers my dad had set up when I tried to achieve my dreams.

"Do you want to talk to him tonight?"

"I guess I should."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured into doing whatever you didn't plan on."

"Could you please stay with me when I make this call? I don't think I have the energy to handle his pompous behaviour."

My brother could only laugh lightly as he hugged me closer. "I will never leave you little sister. Okay? I am here for you through everything. After all, family takes care of family."


My hands were shaking as I held the receiver in them. My brother smiled from beside me as the phone rang. I heard one of the staff picking up the phone and almost dropped mine.

"Hello. Otieno residence, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Raina, is dad home?"

"Raina?! Is that you?! Thank goodness you called! It is Matilda! He is indeed, but he is actually in his office. Let me connect you to him. Could you please wait a little longer?"

I shook my head while my brother smiled up encouragingly at me. Why did I have to go and make that stupid call? Now I would have to-

"Hello? Is that you Raina?"

The familiar voice flooded into my ears and I froze a little. I felt tears gathering beneath my eyes. He suddenly sounded so old.

"Dad, are you okay?"

"Yes. You must have heard that I went to your workplace."

"Yes. Why did you do that?"

My father sighed. "The house is suddenly lonely and very quiet. Your mother won't come home, your youngest brother is in pursuit of his education, and you and your elder brother are not home anymore... It feels empty."

The long speech I had prepared seemed to melt away when I heard him say that. "Are you sure you are not depressed dad?"

"I'm dating again."

That hit me like an eighteen tonne truck.

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