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"Lou! You have to get up!"

Louis grunted at the muffled sound of Harry's voice through the door and pulled the duvet over his head, refusing to open his eyes. He was tired for fucks sake! He could hear the bedroom door open and Harry came inside. Nope, he wouldn't get up. The bed dipped when Harry sat down and he stroked Louis' hair gently.

"Boobear, it's time to get up. We need to get down to the studio." Harry said quietly.

"No! I'm tired." Louis mumbled and rolled to his side, away from Harry.

Harry sighed and laid down next to Louis. He pulled him against his chest with an arm securely around him. Louis blushed lightly but leaned back into the embrace. They laid in silence for a while until Harry pressed a light kiss on the back of Louis' neck before he started to tickle the older lad.

Louis squealed and tried to get away but Harry was unmerciful.
"Stop it, Haz! Bad Alpha!" Louis laughed and managed to turn around so he could look at his best friend.

Harry had a huge grin plastered over his face, making both dimples pop. Louis reached out and poked one.

"I'm an awesome Alpha!"

Louis rolled his eyes in response and got up from bed to get ready.
Twenty minutes later they got out of their flat and headed to the studio.

The rest of the boys were already waiting for them. Liam huffed in annoyance when Harry and Louis finally showed up, laughing at something Louis just said.
"You're late guys!"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry Liam." Louis said dismissively and sat down.

Harry shrugged his shoulders with an apologetic smile. He took the seat next to Louis who immediately leaned in to whisper something in Harry's ear and they both chuckled. Zayn rolled his eyes at them but they didn't notice, too occupied with each other.

The other three boys were used to it. They had been in a band together for three years now and they were really close but Harry and Louis had always been the closest. Harry and Liam were both Alphas but they got along really well. Zayn, Niall, and Louis were Betas. They were all kind of relieved that neither of them was an Omega, not that they had anything against Omegas per se, but that would have changed the whole group dynamic.

They were in between tours at the moment, busy writing and recording a new album. It was nice to spend some time at home even if they were looking forward to going on a new world tour in a couple of months.

"So, we're recording Best song ever tomorrow so let's practice it today." Liam suggested.

The rest of the boys hummed in agreement and they spent the day trying to perfect their vocals for the song. Louis got bored after a while and started to prank the boys and Harry of course joined him. After they managed to pour a bottle of water over Niall, Liam finally snapped and went all Alpha on them. Harry shrugged it off but Louis couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. Angry Liam was scary!

Liam calmed down and apologized and they all decided to call it the night and go and grab something to eat together instead.

Harry noticed that something was off with his best friend when they sat down in a booth at their favorite pizza place. Louis was really quiet and zoned out. Harry put a hand on Louis' thigh and squeezed it.
"Are you okay Boo?" he asked quietly so no one but Louis could hear it.

Louis turned his head to look at the Alpha, blue eyes meeting green.
"Yeah... I just feel a bit weird, maybe I'm catching a cold or something."

Harry immediately reached out a hand and put it on Louis' forehead to see if he had a fever.
"You're not feeling warm...do you wanna go home?" He asked in a concerned voice and wrinkled his eyebrows.

Harry's hand felt hot against his skin and Louis could feel his cheeks turn pink from the touch.
"Let's just eat the pizza first, Hazza. It's okay. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Harry was eyeing the boy with a frown on his lips and Louis rolled his eyes and put a slice of pizza in his mouth.

Harry let the subject go but kept a close watch while they ate. Louis ate half his pizza before he put it down with a sigh and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry immediately snuck his arm around the older boy and Louis nuzzled closer.

"Hey, are you all right Louis?" Liam asked.

Louis looked up and found the other three boys looking at him with worried eyes. He gave them a weak smile.
"Yeah, just tired guys, no need to worry."

"Come on Lou, let me take you home and tuck you in." Harry mumbled and kissed the top of Louis' head. Louis nodded and sat up.

His eyes landed once more on the three other boys on the opposite side of the table. They were all smiling fondly. Louis wrinkled his eyebrows.

"You two are so cute with each other." Niall worded and wiggled his eyebrows.

Louis was too beat to roll his eyes but he let out a huff.
"Whatever. Come on, Hazza. Can I get a piggy ride to the car?"

Harry chuckled but stood up and hunched down so Louis could climb up on his back. Louis threw his arms around Harry's neck and rested his head on his shoulder. Harry supported him and stood up to walk to the car. They said goodbye to the lads and went home. Harry tucked him in as promised and kissed his forehead before he walked out of Louis' room and entered his own to call it the night.

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