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Harry and Louis were once again the last ones to enter the studio. This time they had a really good excuse. If
Mind-blowing sex could count as one...

No one said a word when they came inside. Niall, Zayn, and Liam were staring at them instead. Not that they noticed. They were too busy staring fondly at each other.

Louis was the first to finally notice.
"Oh, hey guys. Ehm, what's going on?"

Harry thought it was a great idea at that exact moment to growl playfully and bite on Louis's earlobe. Louis blushed.

"Ehm, nothing much. What's this?" Zayn pointed between Louis and Harry with a raised eyebrow.

Harry turned to Liam.
"You haven't told them?"

Liam shook his head.
"Naah, I figured it wasn't my place to tell."

Louis' eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh. Right. Thanks, Liam."

Harry and Louis smiled at each other before Harry turned to the boys who were eyeing them curiously.
Harry chuckled.
"You might wanna sit down for this."

They all sat down in a circle. Louis placed himself in front of Harry so he could lean against his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around the Omega and rested his chin on Louis' shoulder.
"So I kind of went into heat..." Louis cut right to it.

Niall and Zayn stared at him with open mouths.

"And I kind of helped him out." Harry continued. Louis blushed from his words.

Niall and Zayn looked even more shocked.

"And then we sort of mated..." Louis said.

Niall and Zayn flew to their feet at the same time.

Harry and Louis grinned at them. Niall and Zayn sat down again.
"I don't understand. You're an Omega now? How's that even possible?" Zayn questioned looking utterly confused.

Niall was looking between the two of them, mouth still open.

"It's a soulmate thing." Louis tried to explain.

"I knew it!" Niall shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, sometimes there are soulmates who aren't Alphas and Omegas. On rare occasions, like one in a million, if they love each other enough one of them can transform. That was what happened to Louis." Harry explained with a fond smile. He kissed Louis' cheek.

"That's...amazing guys!" Zayn teared up.

"Bloody hell!" Niall shouted and jumped forward to hug them.

Harry and Louis fell back on the floor when Niall's body crashed into them. All five boys started to laugh. Zayn came and threw himself on top of them as well.

"Fuck it." Liam sounded before he joined them in the pile on the floor.

After a while, they sat up again and Harry hugged Louis from behind.

"You two just radiate love and happiness." Zayn stated.

"We are all love and happiness." Harry smiled.

"You said you mated. So you like soul bonded?" Niall asked.

"Yes." Louis answered.

"No way! Is it true? Can you feel each other's emotions?" Zayn asked curiously.

"Yes." Harry confirmed.

"That's wicked cool, and kind of strange." Niall grinned.

"Yeah, you won't be able to keep secrets from each other." Zayn said.

Louis chuckled and looked up at Harry.
"Well, I don't know about you love, but I don't mind. I mean, I had a secret undying love going on for three years. I'm sick of secrets."

"Me too." Harry confirmed firmly with love-struck eyes.

"I thought it would be weird to have an Omega in the band, but it's not. It suits you, Louis." Zayn smiled.

"Yeah? It's growing on me. Some obvious benefits come with it." Louis winked.

"No way, we're not discussing your sex life!" Zayn shouted and pretended to barf.

"Ooh, I want to know! Is it good?" Niall grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Mindblowingly awesome." Harry smirked.

"Please, spare me the details but I'm so happy for you guys." Liam smiled. "Now we have to work."

Management wasn't happy at first. But when they realized that they could sell the story about a Beta who became an Omega because of true love, they became more excited. Harry and Louis spent three hectic months going on different talk shows and tv-show at the same time as they tried to finish the new record. It was a couple of absolutely insane months, but then Louis' heat kicked in again and Harry went into rut.

They locked themselves in the apartment for five days and enjoyed their time together to the fullest. If they thought that sex had been good the first time it was nothing compared to the sex now when they were emotionally linked together. They couldn't get enough of each other and Louis went into subspace every time Harry knotted him just to wake up after a while to repeat the mindblowing sex again and again.

When their heat and rut were over Harry turned to Louis and proposed, saying that he wanted Louis to be his in every possible way imaginable. Louis accepted the proposal in a heartbeat.

Beta to OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now