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Harry woke up first and tried to stretch his arms but Louis was laying on one of them. They had been sleeping snuggled into each other and Harry smiled happily. He could get used to this. He leaned down to sniff Louis. He smelled amazing. Louis started to stir just to nuzzle his nose in Harry's neck so he could sniff him as well. He let out a humming sound.

"So we're sniffing each other now?" Louis asked amused.

Harry chuckled lightly.
"I guess so. You smell amazing by the way."

"You do too." Louis mumbled and pressed his nose closer.

They laid there for a while, just breathing in each other's scents before Harry opened his mouth.
"I think we need to talk, Lou."

He could feel how his words made Louis nervous and he held him closer to comfort him. Louis relaxed in his arms.

"So I'm just gonna like come out and say it." Harry continued. He took a deep breath. "You and I are soulmates."

Louis' body got tense before he let out a sigh.
"Yeah, I figured...the whole we're feeling each other's emotions kind of gave it away."

They stayed silent again. Harry didn't know how to say all the things he wanted to say so instead he decided to feel it, knowing that Louis would know then. He closed his eyes and let go. He let the love he felt for the boy beside him fill every inch of his body and mind. Louis gasped and whispered "Hazza..."

Harry could feel how emotional Louis was and then another wave of emotions hit him, Louis' love for him. Harry breathed in sharply and tears formed in his eyes. He turned to look at Louis. He was already staring at him, softly crying.
"I love you." they breathed out at the same time and both their faces lit up in breathtaking smiles. Harry leaned in to give Louis a soft kiss. He caressed his cheek to wipe away some tears and leaned back to look at him again.

"How long?" Harry asked softly.

Louis gave him a shy smile.
"Since the first time I saw you."

"Me too." Harry smiled back.

Louis' eyes grew wide.
"R...really? I thought it was just me! And that there was no point, I mean I was a Beta and you an Alpha. I just waited in agony for the day you would find an Omega."

"It has always been you, I wouldn't have found someone else. Soulmates remember? But I didn't think you felt the same way." Harry whispered emotionally.

Louis' eyes teared up again and he pressed his body against Harry in a tight embrace.
"Thank God! I'm so in love with you."

"I'm completely and utterly in love with you too Boobear." Harry answered with a trembling voice.

They hugged each other close feeling their love for each other. Happiness radiated from both their bodies.

"There's something else I have to tell you as well." Harry mumbled against Louis' hair. They broke loose and Louis looked up at him.

"Liam came over when you were at El's."

Louis chuckled lightly.
"There's no need to be jealous, Harry. I was never in love with Eleanor."

Harry blushed.
"Glad to hear it. Sorry for being a jealous Alpha." He muttered.

"It's okay, love. So Liam came over?"

"Yeah... He explained something. It's really rare, like one in a million chance, but sometimes two people who aren't Alphas and Omegas are soulmates." Harry started to explain.

Louis' eyes widened in realization.

"Yeah, Liam explained it like this. Ehm, the one who isn't an Alpha or an Omega, in this case, you, but it could have been me as well if you had been the one being something else than a Beta. Anyhow, if they, meaning us, would truly love each other, mind, body, heart, and spirit, equally, then sometimes one of them transforms into an Alpha or an Omega. So, yeah...." Harry gulped, feeling nervous about Louis' response.

"Okay...wow...I'm kind of speechless. That's crazy!" Louis answered after being quiet for a while.

"I know that you hate being an Omega! I wish I was the one who changed so you didn't have to. But Louis, I'm so fucking grateful that we are one in a million. I would have stayed with you either way, but we wouldn't have all of this. We wouldn't be able to soulbond and I wouldn't have been able to feel how much you love me or show you how much I love you. And we wouldn't be able to spend our heats and ruts together...or have children of our own." Harry hesitated on the last words in his grand speech.

Louis' lower lip was trembling and he burst out crying out of nowhere. Harry immediately hugged him closer. Louis calmed down eventually.
"Bloody hell, Harry! I don't hate being an Omega, how could I after that speech? When you put it like that I'm also fucking grateful I transformed. It's just...I'm not keen about every part of what it means to be an Omega." Louis confessed.

"Like?" Harry asked.

Louis looked at him and rolled his eyes.
"Like being ranked the lowest on the social ladder. Like you have the right to control me."

Harry frowned.
"I don't give a fuck about that ancient way of thinking. We are equals Louis! I fell in love with you when you were a Beta and I don't expect you to change for me. I love you just the way you are."

Louis beamed.

Harry smiled.
"Of course, Lou. I don't expect you to make me dinner every night. Let's be honest, you're a terrible cook and I really enjoy making you food."

Louis chuckled in response.

"I would never use my Alpha voice on you so you would obey me. That's fucked up!" Harry frowned again.

Louis looked relieved.

"And...I know I like fed you and stuff when I was in a rut and I'm sorry about that." Harry continued.

"Don't be. I really liked it." Louis said and bit his lower lip with blushed cheeks.

"Yeah?" Harry grinned.

Louis nodded his head.

"So when we're in heat and rut we probably will act out of character but if we both like it it's okay. I just want to love you endlessly, take care of you and protect you. Will you do the same for me?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Don't worry. I will. I'll protect you." Louis whispered and leaned in to kiss his Alpha.

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