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Louis woke up the next morning feeling like he had been run over by a bulldozer. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before he threw a glance at his cellphone. The display showed 07.11 and he decided that he had time for a shower. He felt hot and sweaty. Well, he could handle a bit of a fever, that was why painkillers were invented. His throat wasn't soared and that was a good thing considering they were supposed to record a song today for the new album. He got up from bed with a sigh and headed to the bathroom.

He felt much better after his shower and swallowed down two painkillers before he got dressed. He pushed his hair to the side and brushed his teeth and stepped out of his bedroom. He turned around to walk down to the kitchen and crashed into something hard. An arm grabbed him before he could fall and he found himself pressed against Harry's chest.
"Bloody hell, Harry!"

Harry chuckled and wrapped his other arm around him as well and hugged him. Louis pressed his nose in the crook of Harry's neck and inhaled. Wow! Harry smelled really nice today. Like vanilla and cinnamon and something else musky that Louis couldn't pinpoint. He must have bought a new after-shave. The smell was really intoxicating.

"Are you feeling better today?" Harry asked and let go of Louis to be able to look him in the eyes.

"Not really, but I took two Ibuprophen and a shower so hopefully some breakfast now will do the trick." Louis answered with a smile.

Harry chuckled lightly.
"Guess that's my cue to get my ass into the kitchen and make you some then."

Harry turned around and headed for the kitchen and Louis' eyes fell on his bum and he stared at it for a while until he realized his own actions. He shook his head to clear his mind. He took a deep breath before he followed Harry to the kitchen.

Harry made pancakes and Louis ate them with a huge grin on his face. He loved Harry's pancakes!

They were in the car on the way to the studio when Louis realized that he was checking out Harry's biceps while unconsciously thinking embarrassing things like "Harry's strong and masculine. I wonder what Harry would look like while he's working out? All sweaty and sexy." He mentally faceplanted and turned to stare out the window instead.

He didn't feel well at all but he tried to push through. His hands felt clammy, his heart pounded erratically and he was sure he had a fever. Harry's eyes didn't leave him for a second and he tried to give him a reassuring smile as they walked into the studio. They were once again the last ones to arrive and Louis sat down on a chair without a word. Harry followed him and sat beside him before he turned to examine him closely.
"Lou... you look awful." Harry mumbled, sounding worried.

"Wow, thanks Haz." Louis smirked.

"I don't mean it like that, Lou. You know you're gorgeous." Harry winked and let out a short laugh when Louis' cheeks turned pink.

Harry put his hand on Louis' forehead again and his eyes grew wide.
"Shit! You're burning up!"

Harry sprinted up from his chair and put an arm around Louis' back to help him stand up.
"Come on Lou, we're going home."

Louis got up but threw in a lame protest.
"But Haz, the recording..."

"It can wait. You're I'll, Lou." Harry didn't wait for a response and swooped Louis off his feet, carrying him bridal style.

"Hazza! Put me down." Louis protested weakly but snuck his arms around Harry's shoulders and leaned his head against his chest. He had been right, Harry was strong and he smelled lovely. He couldn't resist running a hand over Harry's right bicep.

"What's going on guys?" Liam's voice sounded.

Harry turned around with Louis in his arms. The boys were eyeing them curiously.

"Lou has a high fever. I'm taking him home. We have to reschedule this. I'll keep in touch." Harry explained before he started to walk out of the studio with Louis in his arms.

The boys watched them leave.

"Those two." Zayn mumbled.

"Yeah. I wonder what will happen the day Harry mates an Omega? They clearly like each other a lot. Too bad Louis is a Beta." Niall said with a sad frown.

Liam had been quiet the whole time. He was staring at the door with a concentrated look on his face.
"I wonder....no it can't be..." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" Niall questioned.

Liam shook his head.
"Never mind. Come on, we can record our parts of the song. Let's get to work!"

Beta to OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now