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Liam gave Harry another pensive look before he started to explain.
"This is a soulmate thing. It's really rare, like one in a million kind of rare. Sometimes two people who aren't Alphas and Omegas are soulmates and if they are lucky one of them will transform into what the other one needs. Or what they both need, really. In your case, Louis was the Beta who became an Omega. If he had been an Omega or an Alpha already and you were the Beta, you would have transformed instead."

"Great, so this is actually my fault. Louis will hate me even more now." Harry sighed.

"Why would he hate you? You don't know that, how he truly feels." Liam stated firmly.

"I kind of do." Harry admitted and moved his hair to the side to show Liam his mark.

Liam's eyes grew wide in shock when he realized what the mark was.
"You mated!"

"Yeah, well..." Harry mumbled and blushed.

"No, Harry! You...you soulmate bonded!" Liam shouted.

"I know that but Louis doesn't. I don't know how much he remembers. He went into Omega subspace. Now he hates me." Harry sighed.

Liam stared at him before he started talking again.
"He doesn't. You're missing the point. He would never have become an Omega in the first place if both of you hadn't been completely in love with each other, heart, mind, body, and spirit. It wouldn't have worked. You have to be so emotionally in sync that it's scary to think about when you haven't experienced the whole soulmate thing yourself."

Harry was at loss for words. Louis was in love with him?

The butterflies erupted and he could feel Louis' confusion.

Liam smirked.
"Yeah. So can you admit now that you are in fact crazy in love with Louis and have been since forever?"

Harry's face broke out in the most beautiful dimple smile Liam had ever seen on him. He was glowing.
"Yes! I've been in love with him since the first time we met."

Liam chuckled.
"About time! Why haven't you told Louis that?"

"I kind of refused to acknowledge it. He was a Beta! We're best friends, and I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine that he would feel the same way. And what would happen if I found an Omega?" Harry sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.

"Instead he became an Omega...for you." Liam answered emotionally. He discreetly wiped away a tear.

"Yeah...that's crazy Liam!" Harry replied equally emotional.

"That's true love." Liam smiled.

"He's still so fucking angry. I can feel it. He hates being an Omega." Harry frowned.

"He's just confused and he doesn't know why it happened. You have to tell him." Liam answered thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Harry sighed and bit his lower lip.

"Good. I'm gonna go now. We'll give you guys a couple of days to sort things out." Liam stood up and gave Harry a warm hug before he walked out.

Harry laid down on the sofa and tried to comprehend what Liam had just told him. It blew his mind. The hardest part was ahead of him. How would he be able to help Louis accept all of this? He laid there lost in thoughts for an hour when he heard the front door open.

Louis came into the living room and stared at him with an angry frown.
"You've been a fucking emotional roller coaster today Harold."

Harry couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah, sorry about that."

Louis huffed and folded his arms over his chest.
"El broke up with me."

Harry sat up.

"Don't be so fucking happy about it!" Louis growled.

"I'm not!" Harry tried to defend himself.

Louis rolled his eyes.
"I can feel your emotions, remember."

Harry sighed.
"Right. Sorry. But I'm not happy that you're upset about it."

"I'm not upset about the break-up. Pretty hard to have a girlfriend when you're mated for life. I cheated on her, of course, she broke up with me."
Louis answered, still locking eyes with Harry.

"You were in a heat." Harry tried to comfort him. A sadness washed over him. Louis was sad.

"And I chose you to help me through it."

"Do you...regret it?" Harry asked quietly and looked down at his hands.

Louis stayed silent for a while before he finally answered.

"Neither do I." Harry answered relieved.

Louis walked over to the armchair and sat down. He fiddled with his hands. Something was clearly bothering him. Harry sensed that he felt ashamed.

"She called me disgusting. She said that there's nothing manly about a male Omega and she could never be with me now." Louis' eyes teared up and he looked down.

"Oh, Lou. She's so wrong. There's nothing disgusting about you. You're perfect. And you're still very manly." Harry tried to reassure him, itching to take him in his arms to comfort him.

Louis snorted.
"Easy for you to say. You're a big, bad Alpha. I'm an Omega now. Weak, submissive and oh, don't forget that you don't have to take it in the ass all the time."

"No, Louis. Listen to me! You're still the same person! You're not weak. First of all, I recall that you really liked the sex..." Harry started and got cut off by Louis.

"Of course, I was in a fucking heat!"

"Second of all, I'll do it. I'd let you." Harry continued in a soft voice.

"Do what?" Louis questioned.

"Fuck me. Anytime. Well, not when I'm in a rut or when you're in a heat but any other day." Harry grinned.

Louis gaped at him in surprise.
"You're an Alpha. That's not how it works."

Harry rolled his eyes.
"Says who? I don't give a fuck about social norms. I have a prostate as well. I'm sure I'd love it." He winked at Louis.

"Prove it." Louis suddenly challenged.

"What? Now?" Harry blurted out in surprise.

Louis nodded his head slowly. Harry could feel that he was anxious, afraid that Harry would turn him down. Oh, Louis. Harry suddenly felt calm and excited at the same time. He really wanted to do this. Louis gave him an insecure but hopeful smile when he acknowledges Harry's feelings. Harry stood up and reached out a hand. Louis took it after a short hesitation and they walked into Harry's bedroom together.

Beta to OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now