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"I don't know about you but I never had this kind of mindblowing sex before." Louis panted after another round.

"Me neither." Harry assured him.
"I actually passed out from the orgasm I had when we mated." He grinned.

Louis smirked with an eyebrow raised.
"Really? I'm that good huh?"

"Yep. You're amazing, Lou." Harry answered fondly.

Louis blushed from the compliment.
"So are you and for the record, I really like your dominant side. It makes me fucking weak in the knees."

Harry pressed a wet kiss on Louis' cheek.
"I get absolutely crazy for your submissive side. So hot! So sexy! Makes me wanna do all kinds of things to you."

"L...like what?" Louis asked and Harry could smell his arousal.

He smirked and started to trail kisses down Louis' neck.
"Oh...so...many... things..." He kissed his neck between every word.
"We have a lifetime to find out what we like." Harry started to make a lovebite.

"Me mum!" Louis suddenly shouted.

Harry looked up at him and laughed.
"Really? I'm doing some of my best work here and you're thinking about your mum?"

Louis started to laugh as well.
"You were doing great love, but when you said lifetime it suddenly hit me, I haven't told me mum about any of this." Louis bit his lip.

"Me neither. Okay, road trip. Come on!" Harry gave Louis a quick peck on the lips before he jumped out of bed with a grin.

"What? Now? But...the boys? The record?" Louis asked in surprise.

"Liam gave us a couple of days off." Harry smiled.

"Oh, great! But I'm hungry." Louis protested.

"We can eat something on the way." Harry grinned again.

"But...I smell bad and I'm covered in cum."

"You smell great and I like that look on you." Harry raised an eyebrow.

Louis rolled his eyes in response. Harry tuned in on what Louis was feeling. He was scared and nervous. Harry sat down on the bed and took Louis's hand in his. He brushed Louis' knuckles with his thumb.
"Baby, don't be scared. Your mum will be happy for you. She loves you!"

"You can't know that for sure." Louis mumbled and looked down.

Harry put a finger under his chin and tilted his head up again.
"Have you met your mum? You have nothing to worry about. Promise."

"Yeah?" Louis' lips formed a small smile.

"Yes. So do you wanna take a road trip with me and visit our families?" Harry asked.

Louis nodded his head excited and Harry fell in love with him all over again. He wrapped him in his arms and inhaled his sweet scent.
"You are so beautiful, Lou. I love everything about you and I want to tell everyone that you're mine. That dreams sometimes come true."

Louis pressed himself closer.
"You are such a sap, Haz, but I feel the same way. I'm so lucky!"

Harry kissed the tip of Louis' nose.
"I'm the lucky one. Now, let's hit the shower so we can get going."

They stayed in the shower longer than they originally planned. Harry found Louis extremely sexy naked and wet so he just had to knot him. Not that Louis complained or anything. A wet, naked Harry was an incredible turn-on. But honestly, when wasn't he?

They went through the Mcdonald's drive-in on their way and Louis texted his mum, giving her a heads up they were coming.

When they finally arrived (they had to make a quick stop for, you know, sex) Louis was nervous again. Harry pressed their bodies together in a tight embrace and let out calming pheromones. He made sure Louis could sniff him so he could calm down before they went inside. It worked like magic!

Jay opened the door when they had reached the front porch. She took one quick look at her son.
"No way!"

Louis waved awkwardly.
"Uhm, Hi mum."

Jay smiled at her firstborn.
"You have some explaining to do." She turned her gaze to Harry.
"And you too. Hi sweetie."

She hugged them both before she let them inside. They walked to the kitchen and sat down. Harry took Louis's hand under the table to comfort him. Louis took a deep breath and started to explain to his mum what had happened. When he had finished Jay was smiling at the two boys with teary eyes.
"I'm so happy for the two of you! This is truly amazing! Oh, I'm so happy that Harry is your soulmate, Lou! I had my suspicions, but then there was that whole Beta-Alpha thing."

"So you are okay with me being an Omega now? And...me and Harry?" Louis had to make sure.

Jay rolled her eyes at her son.
"It's nice with another Omega in the family. Now we have even more in common, Lou. Oh! I just pictured my future grandchildren! They'll have great genes from both their fathers."

Louis choked on air and started to cough.

Jay grinned at them and Harry blushed.
"Come here! Hugs! Welcome to the family Harry!"

Jay stood up and hugged both boys tightly.

They stayed for two days in Doncaster before they drove to Holmes Chapel to visit Harry's family. They took the news really well and Harry's mum Anne cried happy tears for the two of them.

They drove back home to London again after two days in Harry's family home. It was time to meet the boys.

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