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Harry woke up slowly. He was himself again. His rut was over. How many days had passed? Four? Five? His mind was all blurry. He didn't remember much at first but the longer he lay there bits and pieces came together.

His rut had kicked in while they were in the shower. Some really hot shower sex scenes flashed before his closed eyes. Louis pressed against the tiles with his legs wrapped around him while he fucked him into oblivion. Oh my! Then it became worse or better depending on how you looked at it. It was definitely the latter. Oh my fucking God. He had never experienced sex like that. So raw and animalistic almost. So, so much incredible sex. So, so much Louis. Just, wow!

All of a sudden he felt anger wash over him. Weird. He wasn't angry. He then realized that he didn't feel his own anger, he felt Louis'. His eyes snapped open and he turned his head to stare at the boy beside him. Louis' blue eyes met his. He looked furious.
"You mated me, you fucking asshole!" Louis shouted.

Harry's eyes snapped down to Louis' neck. His bonding mark had a bitemark. Harry's hand went up to his own neck and his eyes widened even more. He had a bite mark at the same place. Louis had marked him as well. That wasn't something that usually happened through bonding, only between soulmates. That thought made his brain go into a frantic state. Soulmates?

The memories then flushed in. The sex that led to the bonding. He had ranted my Omega over and over again. That no one else could touch his Omega like that. It was such an Alpha thing to do and Harry blushed. Louis had reassured him constantly that he was only Harry's, that Harry was his Alpha. Louis had then gone into a complete submissive state and he had bared his neck begging Harry to bond him. Harry had never wanted anything as much as he wanted to mate Louis at that moment. His whole body, heart, and mind had screamed to him to bond Louis and he hadn't been able to resist. He had sunk his teeth into Louis' bonding spot and Louis had done the same to him. The feeling was indescribable. When they finally climaxed at the same time when his knot popped Harry had passed out from the orgasm. He had woken up after a short while to find that Louis had gone into Omega subspace. Harry rolled them to the side and wrapped his arms around Louis to keep him safe.

"You went submissive...you begged me...I was in a fucking rut!" Harry finally answered.

"So it's my fault?" Louis growled.

"No! It's no one's fault." Harry rubbed his face in frustration.

"I have a girlfriend!" Louis shouted.

Oh, right. Eleanor. Harry had forgotten she existed.
"Yeah, why didn't you call her to spend your heat with you instead of begging me?" Harry answered and regretted it as soon as the words left his mouth.

Louis blushed from embarrassment and his eyes teared up.
"She wouldn't give me...I wanted...I trusted you. You didn't want to?" Tears started to roll down Louis' cheeks and Harry could feel Louis' emotions wash through his own body. Sadness, embarrassment, rejection, self-hatred.

"No, no, I wanted to! I'm sorry Lou. I didn't mean that." He reached out a hand to comfort him but Louis got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door.

Harry could hear the shower being turned on. He could also feel that Louis was still crying and that made tears form in his own eyes. Soon he was sobbing out loud which only intensed Louis' feeling of sadness. Louis could feel his sadness as well. This was some scary shit!

He pulled himself together and walked to his own bedroom to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later he had stopped crying and stepped out of the shower. He dried himself with a fluffy towel before he secured it around his waist and stepped into his bedroom.

Louis was leaning against the doorframe to his room. Harry felt a sudden change in Louis' emotions when he entered the bedroom. Was that attraction? Interesting. He looked up and Louis smirked. Damn it! It went both ways. He found Louis very attractive as well and now Louis knew that.

"I'm going to Els." Louis said and Harry felt jealousy flush through his body.

Louis raised an eyebrow.

Harry huffed in annoyance and turned around to get dressed.

"Don't wait up!" Louis shouted over his shoulder as he walked away.

Harry felt a sting in his heart. Louis froze for a second but he didn't turn around and walked out without another word. Harry realized that he wouldn't be able to hide anything from Louis anymore and that scared him senseless.

He hurried to get dressed and then he texted Liam and asked him to come over. He needed to talk to someone about this mess. Liam answered right away that he would be there in twenty minutes.

He kept himself occupied in the kitchen. He didn't know when he last ate but he had a vague memory of Louis making him food at some point during his rut and that he had been feeding Louis while he ate himself. He shook his head at the memory. That was such an Alpha thing to do. He wondered if Louis had liked it?

There was a knock on the door and Harry swallowed the last of his food down before he opened it. Liam gave him a long look before he walked inside and sat down on the couch in the living room.
"Where's Louis?"

"He went to see El." Harry mumbled.

Liam gave him a pensive glance.
"Are you okay?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders in response and sat down in one of the armchairs. He let out a deep sigh and ruffled his curls.

"So I guess you spent your rut with Louis?" Liam asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Harry admitted.

He had a hard time concentrating. He could feel Louis' emotions all the time. A while ago he had been feeling guilty and Harry assumed that meant that Louis kissed Eleanor or something. He didn't want to dwell on it. Now Louis was upset so he guessed they were arguing.


Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Liam.

"I think I've figured out why Louis went into heat and became an Omega. I don't know if you're ready to hear it though..." Liam hesitated.

"Just tell me, Liam."

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