~ chapter one ~

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"Hey Bo!"

"What... Ol McDonald had a farm.. ee i ee i oo!"

even when Bo was a baby he was cute. I dont know when he wasnt cute.

i was watching "what." for the fourhundreth time today on my laptop. typical saturday night for me.

i still live with my parents. im 21.

i dont mind my mom though. shes nice, calm. i dont talk to them much anyways.
on saturday nights, they go out. i hate when they go out. they would always come back drunk and loud. they never did anything to me, they just came in loud and then pranced for a couple hours until they wen to bed at 3 am.

my saturday nights went differently; even though im old enough to drink, i dont. after seeing them come home like what every week, i dont look forward to that kind of lifestyle. i do go out for drinks sometimes, but i never get drunk.

i usually stay in bed. in the dark. under the covers. watching or looking at pics of youtubers, but mostly Bo.

Oh Bo. he is the best to look at. his dimples, his glasses, his body figure, his hair, everything just fit so well and he just couldnt look any cuter in my opinion.
it was near the end of the show when i started to fall asleep. i was half asleep when i got a phone call.

"Is this Coraline?"
A/N: HEY! sorry this cahpter kind of sucks. i usually write fanficfions in my notebook but i just got the urge to write this one right now om wattpad so here ya go! i really hope you dont judge me by this chapter xD they eill get better i promise.
shar and vote and all. gn yall
instagram: nickixphan // tumblr: phantasictroyler (look at spelling!!)

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