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When I regained consciousness, I had no idea where I was. I felt slightly better than before, but I still had a headache and was shivering slightly. I realized I was trapped in an eggshell type cage. I tried pounding my fist against the side. It was hard as rock. I could see through cracks and the phoenixes outside could see me, but I couldn't get out. Even if I did manage to break out, I probably wouldn't make it far, since there are so many phoenixes around. I heard noise all around me. I saw Cindor, arm in a sling, shouting angrily at Ashton, and pointing at me. Ashton noticed I was awake and came over to me.

"Felicia," he said. "Gosh, I'm so sorry. Cindor went to the Courts and tried to get you arrested. I tried to stop him. That's why I couldn't make it to see the sunset. The debate wasn't resolved, but he went and arrested you anyways, when no one was paying attention, during the Festival of the Full Moon. Just hang in there. I'll try to get you out of this."

I tried to say something, but ended up in a fit of coughing. Ashton gave me a concerned look, and called to a servant. They brought him a vial of golden liquid. He passed it to me.

"Drink," he commanded.

I took the vial without complaint. The stuff was bitter, but had a sweet aftertaste. When I finished, I immediately felt better.

"Thanks," I said, handing the empty vial back to him.

"You're welcome." he replied.

I looked around at the crowd of phoenixes, all staring at me.

"Can I not be on display to the public, like one of those captive animals that giants keep at zoos or whatever they're called?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"I'll see what I can do." He said. He walked over to Cindor and said something. Cindor glared at him an said something back. Ashton crossed his arms and said something else. Cindor sighed and rolled his eyes, saying something again. I couldn't hear what they were saying. Ashton went over to a servant and told them something. They hurried away. A second later, a maid came back and said something to Ashton. Aston called to a guard. He walked over to me and opened my cage, roughly dragging me out. I happen to be perfectly capable of getting out myself, and wasn't expecting to be yanked like that, so I lost my balance and started to fall. Ashton caught me, and gave the guard a look. He let go of me and took a step back. The maid held a door open, and Ashton lead me out, the guard and maid following.

We ascended a staircase, and go down a hallway. I'm taken into a bedroom, the guard remaining outside.

"You'll be staying here, until your trial. The trial is in two days. Until then, please make yourself comfortable. Martha will be here if you need anything," Ashton explained, introducing me to the maid. She curtsied and left the room. Ashton and I were alone.

"Dang this place is nice," I commented. There was a bed with nice orange bedding, a wooden table, and an adjoining bathroom that had a tub so I could bathe. There was even a couch.

Ashton smiled sweetly, "I got you one of the best guest rooms. You'll be locked in, and Thomas will be guarding you, but you should be comfortable. I'll try to stay with you as much as possible."

"Thanks," I said, but my heart wasn't in it. My wings drooped and I stared glumly at the ground. Ashton puts his hand on my shoulder.

"What exactly is the trial about?" I ask him.

He sighed, "For you 'attacking' Cindor. He basically excused himself from all blame since he's royalty, and doubled the charges on you because you're a fairy."

I sighed at the injustice of it all. "What happens if they decide I'm guilty?" I ask.

"Then you'll be executed, and they will probably use this to start a war between fairies and phoenixes. Everyone will pick sides. That would end up as a war between all the Fae in the forest. I don't want any of that to happen," he frowned.

Suddenly, the reality of it all hits me like a rock. I might never see Cheryl or Mother again. I never even got to say goodbye. I feel tears start to come to my eyes. I realize Ashton is right there, and turn my head away so he won't see me cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't you dare cry. Okay this isn't really helping. A tear rolled down my face. Another followed it. I sniffed and buried my face in my hands, so Ashton couldn't see my face.

He put a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and pulled away. I ran to the bed and collapsed onto it, burying my face in the pillow. Why? Just...why? Stupid. flapping. phoenixes. always. ruin. everything! Mother... Cheryl... Soon I was all out sobbing. I had almost forgotten that Ashton was there, but then I felt his hand on my back, rubbing it comfortingly.

"It's okay. Everything will work itself out eventually. I'm sorry about all of this," I hear him say.

I sit up and wipe my tears in the blanket. I feel so empty inside. I realize that as a prisoner, I have absolutely nothing. I long for my mother's loving arms, or even a hug from Cheryl. I just want a hug.

Ashton didn't even hesitate to give me a hug. Oops, I must've said that last part aloud... Whatever, this actually feels nice.

I was thinking a billion things at once, but all the thoughts blended and blurred, ending up as a tangle of confusion. I felt his heart beating against my chest. Why is it so fast? Despite my butchered mess of thoughts, I had a strange sense of calmness. I was completely at peace.

Neither of us pulled away. Neither of us spoke. Something about the silence told us everything that went unsaid. I guess I must have been pretty tired, because I fell asleep in his arms.

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