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(Y/N)'s POV

If there is something that I learn in about this society is that they don't give a damn if you are a good or bad person.
They will judge no matter what and if they see the opportunity to step on you and hurt you they will. It was just me, my little sister and my parents. We didn't do nothing wrong, we had a nice life and we didn't bother anybody,
so why they did it?

We had a nice house in the city and I remember my father having a little house in the woods, he was a hunter and I wanted to be like him.
When I was 10-years-old he let me went with him to see how to hunt, he had guns, knives and a bow and arrow.

He show me how to survive and told me how corrupt and bad this world is. He was a good man and what they did to him it was unfair.

My mom she would stay home she didn't like hunting and when she married dad she told him to stop doing it, she loved animals so she was vegan.
But my father always sneak out to hunt a little squirell or just shoot arrows to the trees before my mom find out; but she let him do it, not often, sometimes.

Then my little sister came, she is eight years younger than me. And I love that girl, she is my best friend, my secret keeper and she was my prank partner.

But then my mother got sick and I took the responsibility of the house, my dad got fired and I was looking for a job.

I did everything so this family could survive and they ruin it all. . .

My father tried to get help from the government but they didn't listen, he got money from some guys so he could pay mom's hospital bills, then the hospital was full and mom couldn't get the treatment she needed the disease spread and finally they called us so mom could get treat it.

Few months later she passed away.

The guys that gave dad the money, well they want their money back. And he couldn't find a job, they start sending warnings until the day came.

It was night time my sister was sleeping and before I fall sleep father came desperately he told me to go to the woods and stay in the house. I ran with my sister on my arms and from far I could hear shoots.
Police said that it was a robber and the kids probably were dead or the robbers took them, they didn't do a proper investigation, if it was a robbery why they didn't took anything?


It's been five years since what happen, I was finally eighteenth and my sister ten. We were living in the woods since the accident and we were living fine like here.
I was hunting and my sister helped me with farming so we had a good nutrition.

And after finishing my hunting is when I saw something horrible, a person with his ankle twisted, with withe eyes and blood running out of its mouth. It was walking with appear no direction when I tried to run, crack ,a few leaf and steaks that I step on make the sound and that thing start running towards me. I didn't give it a chance before a shoot an arrow towards it's head.

I start running to the house scare that something may happen to my sister. I open the door and she was sitting in the middle of the living room playing and me more calmed I told her the situation, I didn't want to scare her but she was going to know anyway.

A month pass and I learn a few things, they can't see but they can sense you, they are sensitive to sound, shoot in the head if you don't it's the same than nothing and they are more dangerous at night.

We were staying at the house, I didn't want to be moving from a place to another. When were running out of food or water I'm going out to the city and look for more, thankfully I haven't seen other survivors. There was one store that I will always go to get supplies no one seem to find it yet, so it was mine.

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