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Narrator's POV

(Y/n) was sitting looking out the window. She was watching the sunrise, at this time of the day she would be doing the same at her house waiting for Emily to wake up.

But she wasn't in her house and Emily wasn't going to enter that door asking for breakfast like she does every morning.

She heard the door being open but she didn't turn around.
She stay there watching until the guy with silver hair sat next to her.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked looking at her, but she didn't answer.
When he notice that she wasnt going to answer he decide to stay there and watch the sunrise too.
Everything was silent it didn't look like it was the apocalypse.

When the sun was finally up she answer "I did, thanks for asking" they look at each other and he notice how beautiful her (e/c) eyes were.
But he also notice that she didn't trust them.

"Im leaving" she stand up, she grab her bow.

"You should wait for the others, so you dont get lost your way back" Harry also stand up walking towards her.

"Im not coming back" she looked at him, she wanted to know what was going to be his reaction when he heard her words.

"That would be amazing" the voice of Scarlett was heard from the door and there she was. She wasn't alone, beside her was Eugene and Sue.

The class stay silence and then the door got opened again. Now everyone was there, they start eating.
They were eating chips or cookies, while (y/n) just grab a granola bar and water.

She looked at them, they been eating this since the apocalypse started?
She and her sister would eat eggs, vegetables, fruit, sometimes food in cans.

Lawrence notice that she has been looking at everybody while they were eating.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked and now everybody was looking at her and some of them stop eating.

"Have you been eating like this, all this time?" You asked not believing it.

"Yes" Zion said

"Why you ask?" Eugene ask while eating.

"If you guys continue eating like this, you'll get sick easier" she explain to them, she didn't know much about medicine or things relate it to this, but she knew that they could get sick and their inmune system must be weak.

"What you been eating all this time?" Sue asked, this was the only food you could get and be sure that's not infected.

"Fruit, vegetables and sometimes eggs" she said normally.

"How? The vegetables and fruits are infected, and eggs? How you get them" Eugene ask not believing that she has been eating what people would eat in a normal day.

"We plant the fruits and vegetables, we also have a few chickens" the way she say it, like it was super normal.

"Well, you can go back and eat your vegetables once you leave" Scarlett said, it seems that she always find something bad in everything (y/n) says.

"She's staying with us" Lawrence said trying to calm the situation.

"Why?!" She refuse

"She could help us and we could help her" Sue explain it to Scarlett.

"I never agreed to this" everyone stay quiet, she stand up took her things and left the classroom.

"Im going to talk to her" Harry stand up but Judy stop him.

"Actually it's better if I go, girl's talk, Im going to convince her to stay" Judy walk out of the classroom and start following you.

"Wait!" Judy yell trying to reach you, she had to run because you were already leaving.

"Look I know that you don't trust us and that Scarlett has been rude to you since the start but you don't need to be alone anymore. You can stay here with your sister. It's obvious that you know more of survival than we do" she top talking for a second.
"we also need your help, you are right we cant keep eating this type of things and that's why we need your help, if you decide to leave no one is going to stop you but just think about it"

Judy went back hoping that you will think about it and decide to stay. You stayed there, she was right, you didn't have to do it alone and if there was more people that mean that Emily would be safe.

There was times that the two of you were in danger because there was way too many zombies.

When Judy opens the door, everyone turns around she explained to them what happen.

"She is not outside" Zion said getting their attention...

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