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Narrator's POV

"She is not outside" Zion said getting their attention.

"Are you sure?" Judy ask, she walked towards the window to see if you left.

"Its good that she left" Scarlett said in a whisper.

"Can you stop that attitude Scarlett" Hailey said, even thought at first she didn't want her to stay because of the lack of food later she realized that she could be very helpful.

"So..." Then everybody turned around.

"Who's coming with me?" There was a tiny smile on her face.

"I'm going!" Judy said happy to see that you decided to stay.


So you were walking beside Judy and on the other side there was Zion, and behind was Ethan.
There wasn't any zombie on the way, so it was easy to get there.

From the far you could see a house made of wood, when you saw it you ran towards the house.

ou opened the door and it was silent.

"Emily!" You shout

The guys were outside the house in case zombies came.

You heard footsteps from upstairs and then you saw the little girl, your sister, the most important person in your life.

She ran down the stairs and then she hugged you.

"Where were you?" She asked you notice her red eyes, she was crying.
"I thought something happened to you" she didn't let you go.

"I'm sorry" that's the only thing you said.

"I need you to help me" you separate from the hug and look at her.

"Ok" she said in a happy tone.

You told her to get seeds, some plates and a cooking pot. You also got some knives and other things that you may need.
Your sister was already outside, so when you finish taking everything that you may need you saw a photo of you and your parents Emily was also there but she was just a baby.

You decide to take it too, when you left the house you saw Emily with a knive ponting at them. The expression in their faces made you laugh, the scene in front of you made you laugh, they didn't know what to do or how to react.
When they heard you laugh, everyone turned around.

"You know them?" Your little sister asked, you nod and she stopped pointing the knive at them. "I was going to stab the red hair one"

It got quiet for a moment.

"You have chickens!" Judy said

"What? You thought we were only eating vegetables" you said with a smirk on your face.

You grab one of the chickens and Emily got two babies and some eggs.

"What are you doing?" Zion ask

"Let's say that this is going to be your first good meal in a long time" you just smile at them and start walking back to the school and now your new home.



please stay healthy and safe,

try not to go to public places.

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