"You're drunk,"

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Third POV

Darkiplier has his own area in space and time- he calls it a Void, and I suppose the name fits; it's a supposedly infinite black space. He can summon whatever he wants there, but it gets lonely very quickly, so he tends to stay at Wil's house a lot. A lot of the time Wilford falls asleep whilst Darkiplier watches movies- he doesn't require sleep.

Wilford also has a connection with space time, except his connection is far more chaotic. He can travel back and forth between multiverses- jumbling his memory and perception Unfortunately, he deals with this chaos by drinking. Dark is quite used to visiting his pink-haired friend, only to find that he's drunk.

The monochrome man sits in his Void, pondering the multiverse and life itself for a while, when the shrill whistle of his phone alerts him of a call.

He answers his phone and presses it up against his ear.
"He-y! Darky, wha-ts u-up!"
A slurred, drunken voice replies jauntily, making Dark sigh in frustration and well disguised amusement.

"You're drunk,"
Dark states impassively, earning a little hiccup and giggle in response.
"Yup! So hows abouts you come and wa-tch a mo-vie?"
He laughs loudly, causing Darkiplier to flinch away from the phone for a second.

"Ugh... Fine, Wil. I'll be over in a second,"
He disguises his fondness to the drunken man, and changes out of his suit and tie to his more comfortable hoodie and tshirt- he'd never be caught wearing something so informal- except by Wil. He trusts and respects Wil, after all.

Wil cheers, laughing- Dark hears a sudden thud and a loud groan, but Wilford quickly assures him that he's fine, just "got beaten up by the table! Thinks it's better than me! I'll show it-"

Dark quickly teleports over to Wil's home, quietly standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets as he watches Warfstache kick a table.

"No no no!"
He shouts, stubbing his toe.
Dark finds it very entertaining until Wilford pulls out a gun and stares at his coffee table with a quickly building rage.

"Wil! Wil- I'm here, okay?"
He calls, running over and pulling the gun out of his best friend's hands.

"I, I need to kill the table, Da-rky!"
Wil stammers drunkenly, tears in his eyes.

Dark wraps his arms around his friend and slowly brings him to the sofa, sitting him down and running one hand through Wil's hair to calm him down.

"It's okay, Wil, the table says it's sorry,"
"It does..?"

Wil sniffles and wipes his eyes clean.

They stay like that for a few more minutes, until Wilford fully falls asleep- slumping on top of Darkiplier with his full body weight.

Dark grunts at the sudden weight dumped on him, but shuffles into a comfortable position and lets Wilford rest his head in the more sinister man's neck.

Wil groans into Dark's neck, wrapping his arms around his torso.
"I lo-ove you,"
He murmurs, hiccuping slightly.

"Aww, thanks Wil. I love you too,"
Dark smiles, planting a soft kiss on Wil's fluffy pink hair.

Wil cheers happily, burying his face deep into Dark's neck, breathing in the scent of his fluffy hoodie.

"I'm going to take you to bed, Wilford,"
Dark says formally; trying to hide the stammer creeping into his voice.


Wilford allows him to stand up, and Darkiplier wraps his arms around Wil's waist, keeping the drunken man stood up securely.

He teleports him up to Wil's bedroom and lays him down in his rainbow bedsheets.
Dark tries to leave, only to earn Wilford pulling him closer.

"W-wil what are you-"
Wilford boops his nose and giggles.

"D-did- did you just boop me..?"
Wil nods vigorously, grinning widely at the dark haired man.

Dark smiles to himself and tilts his head curiously.
"Okay then, Wilford. I'm gonna go watch a movie, okay? I'll just be down-"
"N-o! Stay with me!"
Wil yells dramatically, grabbing Dark's arm and pulling him down to his bed, wrapping himself around the flustered sober.

"...Okay Wil,"

Wil slumps on top of Darkiplier, pressing a kiss against his lips before he falls asleep on his torso.

Hearing the soft snores from the pink haired man, Dark sighs calmly and whispers,

"Night, Wilford. I love you,"

Darkstache (Wilford X Darkiplier Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now