"Care to dance?"

567 17 7

Third POV

The strobe lights pulsate aggresively throughout the crowded dance-floor, the audience jumping and dancing with about as much rigor as the actual performers- one of which sports bright pink hair and a matching moustache.

Wilford dances his heart out on stage, as he does every night; the energetic man's become the main attraction at the club most nights- but tonight is different; this is the only night a friend has ever come with him to watch him perform.

Darkiplier's sat down, one of the only people in the audience doing so, watching his best friend dancing his heart out on stage.
He'd never admit it, but he's beyond himself in pride of his pink haired friend.

The monochrome man rests his ankle on his knee and watches on in delight. After a few more minutes of music, the performers get down from the stage- Wilford running happily over to his friend, breathing heavily and grinning wide.

"So? Whadda ya think?"
Wilford slurrs, taking a seat next to Dark and resting his hands on his thighs.
"You were brilliant, Wil- I'm so proud,"

Wil's face tints a faint pink at the fondness in his friend's voice,
"Oh- Uh- I'm glad you think so!"
He stammers lightly, rubbing the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly.

They listen to the music and chat idly for a while, joking around and having fun. Wil suggests buying drinks and Dark happily obliges.
The pair have a few drinks, and Dark is just starting to get a bit tipsy; Wil takes note of this and makes the best of it,

"Care to dance?"
Wilford slurs, smirking at the tipsy man sat beside him.
"Uh... I'm not much of a dancer-"
"I can teach ya! Most of the people will leave soon and then the slow songs are gonna start- I'd love to dance with ya!"

Dark grins flirtily up at Wilford, the alcohol clouding his judgement.
"How could I turn up the opportunity to dance with a man like you?"

Wilford's cheeks burn a deepr shade of pink as he laughs at the comment.
"I'm thinking the same thing, buddy,"

They wait a few minutes, and like Wil hypothesized, most of the people had left and the rest were out of their minds with booze.

A slow song sounds on the speakers; the pulsating lights fade into a romantic magenta, and some of the couples stand up and start slow dancing.

Wil stands up and offers Darkiplier his hand,
"Whadda ya say?"

Dark smiles at the gesture and takes his crush's hand.
"Thankyou, sir,"
He lingers on the word 'sir' mockingly, making Wil laugh.
"You're welcome, you handsome devil!"

They both chuckle at the compliments, holding hands as they walk to the dancefloor.

"Alright, Wil, you're gonna have to teach me how to dance,"
Dark mumbles, gripping onto Wil's hand.

Wilford chuckles happily at that, and pulls Dark into his chest; proceeding to whisper where to put his feet.
Dark wraps his arms around Wil's waist, since he's a couple of inches shorter than the pinkish demon, and eventually falls in beat to the music.

They dance together. Darkiplier breathes in Wil's scent, and Wil discreetly rests his head in Dark's fluffy black hair.
Back. Forth. Back. They step together, as one, along to the calming music; pink lights dripping over them as they dance.

A few minutes later, the songs slows to a stop, and a different one begins to play- as they saunter off stage together, Wil slides his hand into Dark's and entwines his fingers with his.

They take a seat back at their original position.
The lights have been dimmed to accomodate the next song being played- Dark and Wil's fingers remain entwined between their chairs.

"Hey Wil, I- uh- have something I've been meaning to tell you,"
Dark stammers.

"What's up?"
Wil asks, looking concerned.
"I... I really like you. Um- I have for a while,"
"I like you too,"

They sit in a comfortable silence, and Wil pushes his chair closer to Dark's so that their thighs are touching.

They look at each other for a long time. Wil puts his hand on Dark's thigh and leans over, pressing his lips against the monochrome demon's.

The angry red and blue haze surrounding Darkiplier fades into a light gray, and he kisses back happily.

Wil pulls away after a few seconds, resting his forehead against Dark's.

"I love you, Darkiplier,"
"I love you too, Wil,"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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