"I'll Go With You,"

532 20 6

Third POV

"Stop reading for a minute, come and see this!"

Dark looks up from his book, gazing over at Wilford with curiosity laced into his expression.
"What is it?"

"The stars are incredible tonight, darling!"
Although Wilford calls everybody 'Darling' or 'love', or something of the like, Dark gets a little butterfly sensation whenever he calls him that.

Wil's staring up at the sky through the window; hands pressed against the glass and an expression of pure awe on his face.

"Wil? Would you like to go outside and see them?"
Darkiplier laughs, sliding a bookmark into his page and setting the book on the table.
"I don't wanna go alone, I'll stay inside,"
Wil says, not looking away from the twinkling stars.

"I'll go with you,"
Dark suggests casually.
Wil spins a full 180°, bouncing up and down happily.
"Y-You will?"
"Of course,"

Wilford grins widely.
He runs over and grabs the monochrome demon's hand- he pulls Dark outside into the pink man's garden- he was right; the stars are incredible.

Dark murmurs under his breath.
Wil hears his little exclamation, and smiles to himself at how cute he found that little facial expression.

They make their way to the bottom of the garden and take a seat (very close to each other) on the grass, gazing up into the skies.

The two start to converse; at first it's just about life, then it slowly gets deeper- they start talking about deepest fears, greatest losses, etc.
Something changes when will asks a strange question.

"So... Are you multiple seperate people in one body? Or one person with the personality of multiple people?"

"It- Uh- It's complicated. It's more like I'm one person, but I'm also... three? Damien and Celine are in a void-like space. Celine tries to keep Damien alive, and she hunts. It's... I have aspects of both of them- they make me who I am, yet I'm not... them.... I'm more like a mixture of them that was warped by the house. Like I said- complicated,"
Dark explains.

"Wow. I bet that's confusing to live with, huh?"
Wil asks, looking over at Dark with a mix of sympathy and intrigue.

Dark chuckles lightly.
"Yeah. Living in my head can be hellish,"

Wil rests his hand on Dark's.
"I'm always here for you, Dark,"
He looks down at where Wil put his hand on his own, a greyish tint adding to his cheeks.
"Thankyou... Wilford..."
He thanks weakly, smiling at him nervously.

"What about you, Wil? Are you a human that can bend space and time?"
Dark asks, trying to change the subject from himself. He's not used to talking about himself.
"Uh- I actually don't know? I assume so,"
He replies simply, laughing at his own cluelessness.

They talk like this for a while- Wil not removing his hand from Darkiplier's.

They talk about their fears; Dark visibly tenses up when he talks about his- so Wil rests his head on his shoulder to calm him down.

It works.

After a few minutes of talking, they just sit looking up at the stars, Wilford's head on Dark's shoulder and his hand on the glitched man's one.

"Dark, have you ever loved anyone?"
Wil asks, keeping his gaze on the sky.
"Yeah, I think so,"
"Do you mind me asking who?"

Dark stays quiet, and Wil decides not to push his boundaries.

As he's about to change the subject, he hears a faint whisper, "...You..."


They stay quiet again for a minute, not sure what to do.

"Dark- I... I feel the same,"
This time the silence is comforting.
It says everything they're too afraid to.

Wil places a gentle kiss on Dark's lips for a few seconds, before pulling him up via his hand, saying,
"I don't want you to catch a cold, Dark, we should go to bed,"

"I don't have a bed in your hous-"
"We can share."

Dark stops, confused.
"Share a bed?"
"Yeah, if you're okay with it,"

"Why do you want to share a bed with me?"
Dark asks, embarrassed.
"Because I want to hug you as I fall asleep,"
Wil says bluntly, pulling Dark into the house.

"O-oh- Uh- I can... I can arrange that..."

Darkstache (Wilford X Darkiplier Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now