"I'm here,"

691 28 4

Third POV

Wil finds it difficult dealing with the ghosts of his past- he's better at avoiding his guilt than facing it, making it worse in the long run.

Usually he'd drink or watch a movie, but he remembers that Dark requested he call him when he feels bad; so that's what he does.

The phone calls his friend.
Each second feels like an hour.
Wilford doesn't want to bother Dark.
He ponders hanging up and leaving Dark alone.

Dark picks up.
"Hello, Wilford. How are you?"
He asks formally, making Wil smile sadly to himself, alone in his bedroom.

"Not so good, in all honesty. Can... Can I talk about it?"
Wil asks comprehensively.

"Hold on,"

Wil expected Darkiplier to hang up, but instead he teleports into Wil's bedroom, making him jump in suprise.

Dark says casually, resting his head in his palms and looking at Wil impassively- but with the hint of love in his eyes.

Wil crawls under the covers of his bed, turning towards Dark.
"I feel bad, Dark. And confused,"

Dark shuffles closer to him, making his room grey, each object has a blue and red outline.

"About what?"

Wil sniffles sadly.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay... Do you want a hug?"
Dark asks him.
When Wil gives him a wesak nod, Dark leans down and wrapping his arms lovingly around the pink haired man.
The grey creeps fully around the room, but avoids the colourful man- Dark doesn't want to corrupt this beautiful man's colour; he finds it quite endearing.

"I killed them, Dark,"
He whimpers into Dark's chest.
The glitched man shuffles under the duvet with Wil, and Wilford presses his face fully into Dark's torso, making Darkiplier's face heat up.
"It's okay, Wilford, I'm here, okay? I'm here,"

Wilford's sniffles quiet down after a minute, although he stays clinging onto Darkiplier fir dear life.

After a few minutes, Wil whispers an apology and starts moving away, but Darkiplier panics and pulls him back.

"N-no, I haven't had a hug in a while, actually: could we, uh, stay like this for a bit..?"
He stammers awkwardly, not used to physical affection but definitely not about to throw it away any time soon.

"Oh! Of course- I- uh- Didn't really want to leave either, I thought you'd be... uncomfortable... With me?"
He says questioningly, looking up at the flustered Darkiplier.

Dark laughs slightly and averts his eyes.

Wil rolls off of Dark and lies next to him instead, aware that he's crushing him.
"Dark, you're a really good guy,"
He mumbles, hugging him tightly.
"Yeah- to me, anyway,"
"Same with you, Wil,"

They hug for a while- Dark hasn't had human contact for a while; it's very strange for him. Although the vulnerability makes him scared, he focuses on Wilford's heartbeat and breathing to calm him down.



Dark stays quiet for a second, before (almost inaudibly) saying;

"I love you,"

He holds his breath as he waits for an answer- but sighs in relief when he hears the response.

"I love you too, Dark,"

Darkstache (Wilford X Darkiplier Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now