The Christmas tree accident Day#5

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The members were getting in the van to get a Christmas tree. Janae volunteered to drive since no one wanted to and some of them couldn't since the EDG wanted them. Plus it was a lot safer with her driving. Well not yet..

Janae turned the radio on. Christmas music was heard throughout the van and everyone was listening and talking to one another. They were all excited to spend their first Christmas together. So you could expect the excitement in the group.

They had to go to the mall first. Just to get the decorations for the tree of course. Everyone was doing their own thing.

Janae was driving with Andy next to her telling her where to go.Behind them was Tris, Icy, and Messi who were talking about weapons and such. In the second to last row was Max,Emily, and Liam. Max was working on some kind of new tech while Emily was quietly sipping her tea and Liam was on a phone call. In the last row was Aj, Pink, And Tessa. Who were planning the death of Santa Claus.

"All I want for Christmas isssssss youuuuu"

Everyone stopped what they were doing in that moment. It was quiet throughout the van. Janae was confused at the sudden quietness. She turned around since they stopped at a red light. And long behold Tessa and Pink were somehow wearing costumes. Pink was in a santa dress, with the hat and everything. While tessa was in a elf costume.

"What the heck...." she mumbled and turned to Andy who was completely dumbfounded at what just happened...but turned the music on full blast and opened the windows. Even when it was currently snowing.



"I DON'T NEED TO HANG MY STOCKING THERE UPON THE FIRE PLACEEE" Aj joined in wearing a reindeer onesie

"SANTA CLAUS WON'T MAKE ME HAPPY WITH A TOY ON CHRISTMAS DAY" Messi and Alpha smiled while singing. Janae looked at the two, Messi was wearing a snowman costume and Alpha was wearing a nutcracker costume.

The light turned green and she started to drive again. Trying not to look back behind her to see what the others were doing. They were almost to the mall anyway so what could happen.

"I JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWN MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW" Tris started to sing. She was wearing a gingerbread costume.

"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOUUUUUUUUUUU....YOUUUUUU BABY" Everyone sung. Even Emily who was wearing an elf costume.

Andy looked over at Icy. Who was covering her ears and was trying to talk to Andy. "TURN IT DOWN" she yelled at him

"I CAN'T THEIR PROBABLY GONNA KILL ME" he yelled back. Alpha put his head towards Andy's ear and said:
"damn right we're gonna kill you if you turn it off." Then he went back to singing like nothing happened.

Janae on the other hand was so close to not looking back. They were almost to the mall. Just going up through the driveway.

Janae looked back for a second only too see everyone with some kind of present in their hand.


" AND EVERYONE IS SINGING I HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS RINGING" everyone started to quiet down. Janae looked around to hear pink still singing

"SANTA WON'T YOU BRING ME THE ONLY I REALLY NEED WON'T YOU PLEASE BRING MY A BABY TO ME QUICKLY" She yelled and fell down from from singing that in a single breath.

Everyone else started back singing the song. Janae looked back go driving while shaking her head. She started moving a little faster and a squirrel raced in front of the car.

She swerved while dropping her glasses. Everyone fell from their seats and Andy swore along with Liam, Max, and Alpha. She tried getting the car back but she couldn't see without her glasses.

So she ran right into the mall hitting the Christmas tree that was almost done being put up.

A guy was on a ladder putting the star on the Christmas tree when Janae ran into the Christmas tree the ladder tilted towards the car while the tree tilted towards the van. They guy hit the top of the van. He looked inside the windows of the car and stared directly at Janae.

Before hearing the screams of some people he looked back at the tree. Which was slowly falling on top of him.

"YOU" he pointed at Janae and yelled. "IM GONNA KILL YOU"

He grabbed something from his pocket. A pen for some reason and clicked the top. And it transformed into a scythe. Janae scrambled to get out of the van. But before the guy could do anything the tree fell right on top of the car. Making the van stuck in place. With the weird guy stuck on top.

The guy looked through Andy's window and smiled. "Hi I'm Ace the guy that you almost it ok if I kill her?" He pointed at Janae.

"Uh....No...but you can join our team" Andy told him

"Fine with me. But we might need to go before security gets here" Ace said while looking towards the security guards.


Long story short Ace joined the TRF. The team didn't get their Christmas ornaments since they were temporarily banned from the mall. And they spent hours trying to get tinsel, candy canes, and ornaments out of the car...

And after that... let's just say Ace never gave up on his new dream of killing janae.

The end

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