Chapter 26: Trust you

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"I love this" I smile brightly "Can we do this everyday?" I ask looking up at my boyfriend with hopeful eyes. He chuckles and leans downs to kiss me, "You already know the answer to that Bri" I pout and let out a sigh.

"Come here baby" I crawl towards him and let him pull me onto his lap. My back rests against his chest and his arms wrap around me. I lace my fingers with his and lean further against him. My smile widens when I feel him place soft kisses along my neck and I can't help but let out a hum of delight.

I adore moments like these. When it's just the two of us outside, with nothing but natural beauty surrounding us. We went on a little hike this afternoon on the other side of his house and stopped once we reached the top of the hill. The grass is filled with beautiful flowers all over and a breathless view. I couldn't get enough of it so we settle here deciding to just enjoy the sun and being outside.

"You know I'm never going to get enough of moments like these" I admit titling my head to the side to look at him. "Yeah? You ain't getting bored of Alabama yet?" He asks teasingly but I just smile and shake my head "I could never" I kiss his cheek only to pull away and find him looking down at me lovingly.

"I'm not just talking about Alabama though. I also meant moments with you" his face softens further. "There's not a day where I'll have enough of you" he lifts one of his hands to cup my cheek, turning my head more towards him. "I know exactly how you feel" he whispers "And I've never felt like this with someone else. You're the only girl who's made me feel all these new feelings and I can't get over them" a soft smile pulls at my lips as I gaze into his breathtaking light blue eyes.

His lips meet mine in a soft kiss, one that makes my heart flutter. His lips are moving perfectly against mine in a kiss that isn't lustful, hungry, rough or even rushed like most of our kisses. This one is different. Our feelings for each other are getting stronger as each day pass and you can see it in the way we act around each other or towards one another. You can see how fast we're falling for the other. This kiss is filled with nothing but love. A new love that's yet to be realised and known.

We pull away in need for air, resting our foreheads together and gazing in each other's eyes. His blue eyes that light up my entire world and send my heart into a race. He kisses my nose causing a giggle to tumble from my lips. I snuggle back closer to him whilst he leaves more kisses on my cheek and neck.

"How long have we been here?" I question when I realise that we must've been here for a while, just sitting and enjoying some time together.

"Good question" he chuckles and reaches his hand towards his back pocket to fish out his phone. "It is" he trails off pressing down on the home button making the screen come to life. "Fuck, it's already 5" he laughs.

"We should probably head back and see if they haven't eaten without us" I suggest with a sigh before getting up and turning around to look down at my cute boyfriend. "Come on baby" I extend my hands for him to take but all he does is pull me back down to him.

"Hey" I laugh "That was not the plan" he grins and shrugs. "I'll get up if I can get a kiss" I roll my eyes even though my heart skips a beat.

"Fine" I grumble pretending to be annoyed. I press my lips to his for a quick kiss but of course he has a different plan. His hand cups my cheek pressing me further into him and allowing him to deepen the kiss. "Uriah" I chuckle against his lips trying to pull back. He takes the advantage and slips his tongue into my mouth successfully making me shut up and kiss him back.

"Okay that's enough" I giggle finally ending the kiss. He gives me a goofy love struck smile and I burst into laughter. "I fucking love kissing you" he admits, his eyes not leaving mine once and a soft blush colours my cheek.

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