Chapter 28: Made up

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Watching my girlfriend act as a complete different person, someone who's not remotely similar to her, personality wise or even life wise and seeing her do it extremely well amazes me. The way she delivers speeches just like her role would, her body language representing exactly her character's personality; it seems like the girl has lived her entire life as 'Quinn' and not the famous, rising pop star she really is. When you watch her you wouldn't think that she's a talented singer but instead a normal teenage girl who's trying to get into college and that's exactly how she is meant to be seen. As talented as she is, it also scares me a little to see how professional she is. Could there be moments when she puts on her actions skills and used them on me? Whether its to make me happy or the other way around? Has she even done it before? And worst of all, will I be able to know whether she's lying about how she feels or not?

I consider myself to understand the blonde remotely well, I've learned about a few things that she does and what they mean. Like when she looks up at me with those blue eyes of hers through her long lashes as she flutters them in a not seductive way but an adorable one instead, I've come to know that it means she wants to be hugged or just want to be in my arms. It's the way those blue eyes of hers, full of love draw you in, they seek for comfort, safety, protection all of which she's known to find in me. Another thing I've caught on would be her fidgeting fingers and how they always try to grab onto something to keep her mind occupied with a simple action such as playing with the hem of her shirt or the tip of her hand. That tick of hers can mean different things and I somehow understand the difference between them. It mostly shows how anxious she is, when her nerves kick in and she needs something to calm her down. On other days when her fidgeting is followed by her teeth digging into her bottom lip, now that's another kind of anxious. One that is usually linked to pleasure, it's a way to keep her mind distracted before she goes crazy.

I've always been able to read her and understand what she wants and when she wants it. Knowing that calms me down as I recall all the times she's been honest with me. There has not been a moment when she never spoke from her mind, she's always laid it all out on a clean platter letting me take it all in. She makes it easy and I'm pretty sure she knows that because she does it constantly, I wish I could too. I'm not used to opening up as fast as she did with me, I trust her, I'm just not use to it. Although she still knows a lot about me, things that have taken years for my best friends to know and months for her.

A sudden kiss to my cheek snaps me out of my thoughts and brings me back to the real world. "What's got your head in the clouds?" She giggles wrapping her arms around my neck as she stays standing behind me. "You" I answer simply with a soft smile as I turn my head back to catch a glimpse of my gorgeous girlfriend.

"What did I do?" I grin gazing into her piercing blue eyes "You keep being freaking amazing" she rolls her eyes playfully. "And you," she kisses my cheek again "Are such a sweetheart" I shrug "When I'm dating someone like you its easy."

I take her hand in mine and lead her around my chair before pulling her on my lap. She sighs and leans against me. "I hate wrapping up movies" she mumbles as she reaches for my hand and starts playing with my fingers.

"I love filming and I love being around these people, it sucks that its over" she grumbles making me chuckle and kiss her temple.

"Think about all the other movies you'll be in. If you don't finish this one you won't have any other opportunities" she pouts, sticking her bottom lip out. "I still don't want it to end" she mumbles.

"What can I do to make it better?" Her pout immediately turns into a wide grin. "Kiss" she answers. I smile and shake my head in amusement as my heart skips a beat. I love how she never gets fed up of me kissing her, in fact it's the opposite, for her I don't kiss her enough.

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