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It had been two full days of scrubbing since my dance with the knight. And since then I hadn't run into him.

It ate at me as I splashed slowly at the water in the stream. There wasn't a place for slaves to bathe on castle grounds, or not a sanctioned one. The servants had their own tubs at their own homes off the main grounds. And the royals and courtiers had their own bathing chambers in their own rooms. So there was no point for a bathing tub to be built for the seven slaves on the grounds, we weren't worth it.

So once a week we were allowed to take a trip to the stream and rinse ourselves in the cold mountain runoff. We had to go alone and at night. They made us go alone so that we couldn't all run away together (not that I could run anyway) and at night so we wouldn't bother anyone roaming the grounds.

It took me longer than the rest to get down there so I had a shorter time to bathe and clean. It meant I had to decide each week which part of my filthy body to focus on. Usually I could rinse all over, sitting in the shallow pool and splashing freezing water over my body, my head, and still leave me time to scrub at my hair or whichever part of me had collected the most grime that week. This week though, this week, I was filthy all over. The extra scrubbing left my legs and arms stained black from the mucky water, covering my skin like paint. Sitting beneath the chimney, brushing off as much grime as I could with a broom left my hair dry, and black, not at all like its natural white. I hadn't seen my hair its natural color in ages, it sucked up the filth like I waisted space. The closest I had seen it was a ashy grey and that had been four years ago.

I was scrubbing now. At everywhere my stiff and frozen fingers could reach. I knew, I knew, that there was no point. I would be covered in filth again tomorrow anyway.
I had heard of royals and noblemen who bathed daily, their big tubs of marble filled with cater from the hot springs running under the palace. I'd heard from some of the chamber maids that they had special syrups and sticks, which smelled like lavender and field flower that helped them clean their bodies. Soap I thought it was called. When I had first heard of it I had dreamed for weeks of having one glass corked bottle of it. Just one. So that I might get my natural hair color back.

I could see it in the pool when I stilled. The moon was bright enough to light most things but my eyes compensated for the rest. My eyes weren't those that werewolves were known for. Other of my kin would have no need of a lantern or torch even on the nights of no moon. Neither would they ever worry about the cold like I did. The two hearts in their chests kept them warm as summer even in the dead of winter. There were many abilities were's had that other species did not.

Were's in especially high positions of power had full second forms. Not just simple mental connections to other were's and heightened senses. Those in high court or even royal family would have the ability to transform into a beast. It was a true gift from the goddess. But they were only to use their form to protect their people, it was an honor. If anyone were to misuse that the goddess would melt their minds, cause them to go feral, loose their connection to other were's and the goddess herself.

I had never seen a Second. It was an honor not many saw, and often if it was shown it was before someone's death.
I hadn't experienced much of what being a were meant. Or I couldn't remember it. It had been so long since I had felt a connection between me and another were. A long time since I had felt my second heart, the one meant for my mate, beat, alive and with love.

Sometimes I was sad about it. But then I had to remind myself that if I hadn't caused my mother's death I wouldn't be stuck in this life.

I scrubbed more, my reflection weaving on the top of the water. I sniffed. I brought my hand to the back of my neck, rubbing my frozen fingers over the raised skin, the mark that had taken my mate away from me. I hoped they would find happiness. It was all that they deserved, it was all I could give them, my hope, my love.

A twig snapping sent my heart pounding. My breath quickened and clouded on its way out of my mouth. I waited. There was no sound. And then— there were voices. I waited, as silent as I could manage. If someone were to come and find me I would be punished for bothering them. If it were a knight there was a chance they would want to have their "fun" with me. That was my greatest fear. If it were some creature lurking and looking for a feast at least I could count on a quick death.

Their forms came from the way of the castle. As they neared I could make out the forms of two women. My heart calmed. They stopped when they saw me, no doubt having no trouble seeing in the dim light.

"Hello?" One called. Her voice soft.

"Madalena, don't talk to strangers, it could be dangerous." The other scolded.

I could see Madalena hit the other on the arm. "Don't be rude Isa. I'm sure he's no threat." She hissed back. She turned to me and took several steps towards my little pool, however she kept one hand on her friend, as if to keep balance. "Excuse me—" she began, voice still soft. "Could you help us please?"

I shivered. My legs were in front of my chest, hugged closer by my arms but I felt exposed. Nobody should have to look at me normally let alone naked. "Um. Yes." I said back, a little unsure.

"We are looking for a place to swim and soak, is this the best pool here? Or are there more?" I could see Madalena a little in the moonlight, her hair which caught the moons light was a burning gold though I could imagine that in the sun it would be a brilliant red. She was short, maybe my height if I could stand straight, and slight in her figure. And as I looked closer I could see that she was leaning heavily on her friend.

"Well—" I started, feeling wholly unqualified to give any advice or opinion. "This one here is good for soaking, it's shallow and you don't need to swim. I can get out if you like." I probably had to begin to head back to the quarters anyway though I hadn't cleaned much. "But there are a few upstream that are deeper and have little ledges for sitting on, but sometimes they break and you might drown if you can't swim." I explained. I had found out that miserable fact trying to find a pool where I could fully submerse myself for better cleaning, unfortunately my legs were weak and if there hadn't been a root from a nearby tree worming it's way through the pool I would have drowned.

I could see Madalena's smile in the dark. "Oh my, well I'm no strong swimmer—"

I unraveled my arms from my legs and began to move. "Don't worry I'll move them, it's no trouble. This is a lovely pool."

"Oh please don't. I have Isa here to help me, she's strong." I looked up at them, Isa was frowning a bit but when Madalena leaned more on her and placed a soft kiss on the side of her jaw she softened. I settled back. They were mates. Madalena looked towards me. "You said there were other pools upstream?"

"Yes mam." I said.

"Well then thank you for your help, I think we'll go find these other pools."

I couldn't manage an answer before they disappeared into the forest. I decided to go back to scrubbing for a little while longer.

A|N: Merry Christmas! I finally have had time to write and instead of working on other longer projects *cough sevens cough* I work on this babe because I love her. Hope y'all have a happy new year!

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