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I woke still tucked in Grimm's arms. Not a dream then. The fire had petered out and was now just ashes. I'd probably have to scrub it clean later.

I pulled Grimm's arms from around my waist. I had to get back to Jamie. It was far beyond avoiding a punishment at this point but it was better to go myself then be hunted down because I was a coward.

I bit back a hiss of pain as I rolled to all fours. My back was still crying out in immense pain. What had happened? I couldn't remember any recent punishment being so bad. Maybe an old cut had been infected when Florence tossed me out in the rain. I couldn't be sure. Jamie would be furious though. He always hated when our punishments got infected.

I sat back on my heels so I could catch my breath. The cold air brushed against my naked skin and I shivered. Goddess I'd have to get through the castle naked. Grimm wouldn't mind if I took a shirt from him, or a blanket, but if Jamie found out. But maybe I could stash it somewhere just before I entered the slave quarters. Yes, that sounded good.

Grimm's discarded shirt was still draped over the arm of the sofa. I managed to climb to my feet and stumble over to the sofa. My leg began screaming along with my back and I was shocked to look down and find it purple and bruised. Pulling on the shirt was a task in its own right. My arms didn't want to lift above my head, and every time I tried it pulled on the sensitive skin of my back. I gritted through it and was happy when after everything the shirt dropped to my mid thigh.

I decided to use the servant passages, sliding the stone door quietly behind me. In this part of the castle the secret halls were narrow and it was difficult to keep from scraping my back against the wall. I paused every few hundred steps to catch my breath but finally reached the hall near the kitchens. I could hear a commotion coming from somewhere down the hall and scampered as fast as I could across to the kitchen door.

I sighed and closed my eyes in relief as the smell of baking bread and stew filled my nose. I had to lean against the wall for another second to calm my breathing. When I opened my eyes I was met with several heavy gazes. I flinched and ducked my head. I really didn't want to push off the wall but the kitchen staff would be quick to tell Jamie I had been a bother. I tried to skirt the edge of the room, avoiding getting in peoples way but I only attracted more attention as I went.

"Can we do anything for you, Luna?" A voice cut through clatter which immediately stopped.

Luna? No, no. That meant that word of my stay in Grimm's room had gotten out. They were teasing me. I wondered how many days I'd be bed ridden after this punishment.

I ducked my head lower. My hair fell around my face and I noticed that it was remarkably short. "No. I'm sorry for being in your way. I promise I won't touch anything."

"You'll never be in our way Luna. It's an honor." Another voice added. I peaked up at the speaker. It was the head chef. She had never been so rude before, she'd just let people do or say as they wanted and stand by. The teasing hurt.

"I'm really—really sorry. Um." My voice was shaking and my back was aching more in this bowed position. I took a few more steps towards the back door.

"We can get you something to eat if you like. Why don't you come sit, make yourself comfortable." Goddess were they really teasing me with food? Maybe they knew that I'd be in even more trouble if I ate. I'd been forced to vomit as punishment, maybe they wanted to see Florence stick his fingers down my throat until I gagged. He seemed to be a favorite in the kitchens, charming or something.

I couldn't answer, my throat was clogged with humiliation. I was sure this would get back to Nightingale, he'd tease me about Grimm while he used me. I hobbled through the onlooking crowd but was stopped when the door I had just slipped through opened.

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