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A|N: 3k you guys!!! Thank you so so much omg what the heck.
Also Grimm is definitely a mix of Gilbert and Dietfried Bougainvillea, if you want a reference... just with brown hair not black. But hot damn the Bougainvillea brothers can have every inch of me


Opening my eyes was the most difficult thing I had ever done. They were heavy as stone and my mind couldn't seem to remember how to operate them. I must have fought against opening them for days before I figured it out, and then it must have taken an hour or so of slowly letting my eyes stay open longer and longer until the light didn't burn into them.

I was laying on my stomach, arms by my sides. Something heavy pressed into my back holding me down to the plush mattress. My head was cradled on a soft pillow and the windows letting in dewy morning light were made of colored panes. I should have been more shocked at my surroundings and I think I would have been if my mind could actually work. But for now I was content to lie still and listen to the birds sing outside.

The next time I woke was significantly easier. Instead of having to pull myself from something that felt like sap I was pulling myself away from clouds and gentle dreams.

The smell of the room suggested that there was a window open. As I inhaled I thought I smelt snow and fir trees. Winter. But that didn't make any sense, it was early fall. Though early snows were not unheard of.

I groaned and tried to push up from the bed. Working in the snow was worst, my feet always froze and my legs worked worse than normal. I was halfway to sitting before I froze. I wasn't in my cot in the slave quarters. This bed was definitely expensive and definitely not where I was supposed to be. Maybe I fell asleep after Nightingale was done with me for the night. Though I didn't think he was kind enough to let me sleep in, and on his bed no less. Oh goddess he was probably in the bathroom and would be back soon to "enjoy" me more.

My toes curled against the cold floor a shiver wracking up my spine. A hiss escaped my lips as hot pain covered my back. Goddess what had happened to me?

My clothes were nowhere in sight. I was likely to be late to collecting my orders for the day. Jamie would have my food taken away for the day. My stomach growled when it realized it wouldn't be fed today. I had snuck through the palace naked before, Nightingale sometimes enjoyed watching the humiliation flush my cheeks. Maybe I could find an old sheet, no, that was wishful thinking. I'd be whipped bloody if I tried to take even a breadcrumb.

I felt my eyes dropping. I should probably get up, get to work. No not probably. I needed to. But my body couldn't handle being awake, it was begging me to lay back down and give it a little while longer to rest. So against my better judgement I did. I fell quickly back asleep after.

The next time I awoke it was dark. Or rather there was no sun filtering blue, red and green through the tinted windows. But there was a roaring fire in the hearth radiating warmth from the other side of the room. There was a couch in front of the fire and though my eyes were still adjusting I could see the silhouette of a man leaning back into the cushions. Something was pulling me to him. It was probably just sleep wearing off of my dreary mind. It could have even been a dream, all of it, being in a soft bed and feeling a magical pull to the man on the other side of the room.

I followed it. I managed to stay quiet while I approached, the normal shuffle of my feet mercifully gone. The man didn't turn, and didn't even seem to notice, as I stopped a foot away. My heart calmed when I saw who it was. Thankfully it wasn't Nightingale.

Grimm was lost deep in thought. His hair was longer than I remembered and was braided over his shoulder. I looked around, though I couldn't see much in the dark. I wondered how I had gotten into Grimm's room. I rubbed my hand to my temple. It ached. Maybe Grimm would let me sit on the couch. But I should probably just ask to sit on the rug. I kept forgetting my place when I was around him.

I shuffled forward. Grimm let out a small sound I couldn't decipher as I decided to sit at the spot next to where his feet were planted on the fur rug. I began to drop to my knees, my back aching again. I needed that to be checked, I could have gotten something infected.

Hands caught me under my arms and I was being pulled back into Grimm's lap. I yelped when his hands touched the cold skin of my hips. Goddess I was still naked. What was wrong with me. I was going to be punished if I didn't figure things out soon.

Grimm placed me so my back could lean on the arm of the sofa leaving my legs to stretch over the empty cushion, while still keeping me on his lap. His hands left my hips when he was certain I was settled and came up to my cheeks. He turned my face to his. I found tears in his eyes when I looked into them. They caught the light of the fire and turned his eyes amber.

I placed my own hand on his cheek, slightly pleased with myself when he leaned into it. "Why are you crying?" I whisper.

He smiles and a tear rolls down his flushed cheek. "Because I love you." He whispers back.

My heart jumps at his words and I find myself wanting to cry. He loves me. He's told me before but—but this was different somehow. I shiver again. He loves me.

His brows furrow and he's picking me up. I suck in a startled breath, throwing my arms around his neck. He carries me back to the bed but doesn't set me down. Instead he shifts my weight to one hand and with the other pulls off the biggest fur and blanket. He drags them behind us as he brings us back in front of the fire. He's carful when he lowers to one knee and finally sets me down. I don't know how to react to his caring manner as he spreads both fur and blanket over my body. Once he seems satisfied he pulls off his shoes and unlaces the top few strings of his shirt before pulling off and sliding under the blankets beside me.

It's not embarrassing when he pulls me close to his chest. And I don't mind as he twines our legs together and cradles my head with one large hand. I think if it weren't all a dream I would have been embarrassed or scared for him to see my legs or the clear whipping scars on my back. For now I would revel in the perfect dream.

"Are you warm?" He doesn't have to raise his voice with his lips so close to my ears.

I nod into his chest.

"Then sleep. We can talk come morning."

Without hesitation my eyes slip shut once again. I sleep soundly tucked in Grimm's arms.

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