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I snuck away all on my own this time, no maids coming to fetch me, no summons from Madalena used as an excuse. Just me and my feet and my constricting heart moving as far and fast as possible.
After being left in the courtyard, after nearly swallowing the ring. Jamie had left me choking to gather the other slaves. We were to head back to the slave quarters, eat, and be chained up for an early bed time so that our caretakers could have the evening off.

I wasn't thinking when I ran. I just stood up, ring clutched in my hand, spit trailing down my chin, and moved as fast as my legs could carry me. I didn't notice the tears that were staining my cheeks until I had reached the servants secret passage.

With my luck a maid would run into me and scream bloody murder until Jamie came to skin my back. Goddess he was going to kill me, him and Nightingale and Florence and my father. I sobbed again, coughing against the burn in my throat. That man had shoved his fingers far enough that his fingernails had scratched at the back of my throat. His words clawed at my brain.

This is the only kindness I will ever show you.

What had he meant—was—

I leave in a week

He— I hadn't— no my father wouldn't sell me, he couldn't. I just wasn't understanding correctly. There was no way I had been sold.

I leave in a week

My ankle rolled under me and I crashed into the floor. The walls of the hall scrapped at my shoulders. It was too tight, the walls were closing in, I couldn't breathe.

I was sold, or would be. Goddess. I was property. How had I not realized until now? I didn't own myself.

The dirt on the ground blew into my eyes. My breath was hot and erratic. My arms and legs shook and hurt. It would be so easy to not get up. To let myself turn to bones and dust. The only thing that would be left would be the shackles on my wrists. The rats couldn't eat them. The ring would probably be carried away. But I was sure to be found before I could starve to death.

I would never see Grimm again either. The ring felt hot in my hands now, thinking of Grimm, of getting it to him. He deserved that from me at the very least. He deserved to know how kind he was, how too perfect for me he was. His mate would be one lucky Were. I was jealous of them, of being able to wake up to him every morning—
My next sob felt so pathetic. He wasn't mine to cry over.

It was hard but I managed to climb to my feet even with my wrists chained. It wasn't easier to navigate the castle through the winding servants hallways but I didn't run into anyone. From the one time Maci had directed me I was able to find my way to Madalena's room.

I fell into and through the door. I crashed to the floor for the third time that day. I heard a shout of surprise and rustling of fabric. Hands were on my shoulders, lifting me to my feet.

"Soot?" Madalena asked. "What's happened?"

She—and her mate Isa—were guiding me to a chair by the fireplace. I briefly saw Sara of all people close the secret door I'd fallen through.

I looked around the room, the books were all stacked in one corner, there were chests on the bed, there was no fire in the hearth. I was able to see a large intricately woven rug in front of the fireplace for the first time, as well as several small tables with similarly intricate carvings on their surface. It felt a little uncomfortable without the books scattered over every surface. Clothes were hung over the foot of the bed, and shoes were lined up neatly on the floor.

Of Soot And CindersWhere stories live. Discover now