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Six Months Later

I bit my lip and pulled as the hem of my jacket. My heart beat fast enough that I was worried about my ribs cracking under its pounding. It didn't help much that Grimm was nowhere to be seen. I wasn't upset about his absence, I knew he had meetings most mornings, and a foreign dignitary had arrived last night demanding an audience. But holding court on my own was killing me with nerves.

There was no one in the great hall yet and until the designated time begun I would be sitting in the room relatively alone. Grimm had promised he would be back before citizens came pouring in with requests for help and offerings of gratitude. The moment of his return would not be soon enough.

My head snapped to my left as a small door to the side of the room opened. Grimm after having lost me by way of the servants halls had found joy in sneaking through the castle unseen. He'd even begun to find parts of the castle I hadn't known about. When he was in a foul mood or especially stressed I let him drag me on adventures, and never once would ha complain at my lumbering speed.

But it wasn't Grimm who entered through the side door and my heart sputtered to a disappointed pulse. It was the king—or well, the old king—Grimm's father. The guards straightened at his entrance, wary but not immediately threatened. I knew that if I made any movement to suggest discomfort they would have my father in law removed from the room.

He waited, which I was shocked to see, for my invitation to approach. I knew what he had done. How he had orchestrated my being sold, how he had tried his best to remove me from his son. I knew he had done it for the same reason Wolf had, he was scared for Grimm, he wanted to protect someone he loved. I'd forgiven Wolf before he apologized, and I had forgiven the old king just the same. But I still grew stiff as the old man approached.

It was strange being on the dais while he was the one, head bowed and neck bared, on the marble floor. It was surreal, I was standing in the place of of the man who had sentenced me to death, and there he was, in the same place where I had been.

I bit my lip. Grimm was always the first to speak, telling others when he was ready for them to talk. I wondered if as a ruler I should always hold command of a conversation, give others permission to open their mouths... but I didn't. I sat, straight backed, and stared.

Soon my father-in-law opened his mouth. "I have never been so wrong in my life, My Luna, as when I tried to tear you from my son. Nor have I been so wrong as to go against what I saw, the kindness in you, the grace and mercy you held, and sentence you to death regardless. I will live the remainder of my life wishing I could have done things differently."

I sighed before speaking. "Will you not beg for my forgiveness?"

"No, Luna. I will not ask that of you. What I have done is not forgivable. Separating mates is an offense to the goddess. Hurting ones son, and an innocent man out of fear is worse." He kept his neck bared to me.

"Well I do forgive you." I said.

"Thank you." I could hear him sniffling.

"I think you should apologize to Grimm too. I think he needs to hear how sorry you are. And—and it hurts me to see him hurting."

The old king looked up. I could see tears running down his face. "My son is lucky to have you by his side. I will do as you say, Luna."

I nod.

He licks his lips. "If I may. Your Majesty, I have a gift for you. One I had hoped to give you on your wedding day, but it arrived much later."

I furrowed my brow. Our wedding? That had been nearly three months ago. It hadn't been anything extravagant, just me and Grimm sneaking off on the full moon to an ancient temple. We'd kept it so secret that it was still only a rumor that Grimm had proposed.

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