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A|N: "you wanna see some reeeal speeeed" I say as I update 4 times in 24 hours


I woke slowly. My head felt heavy and my chest felt light. Something was very wrong—no not wrong. Different. It was— what was it?
I pulled my eyes open. High arching eves soared above my head and walls of glass let in warm light. I twitched my fingertips, slowly inching my way up my arms. I practiced moving them slightly off of the mattress, and then bending at each joint. It wasn't until I began to wiggle my toes that someone noticed my consciousness.

"Your Majesty, you're awake." A blue haired man appeared over me, little black horns protruding from his forehead. "I'm your nurse. The healer just went to get some sleep but I can get them if you wish."

I closed my eyes for a quick break from the light but shook my head. "I'm alright. Just help me sit."

"Yes, your Majesty." I felt the nurse's hands come behind my neck and under my arm. We worked together to scoot me against the headboard.

By the end I was panting and my chest was burning. I lifted my hand to rub at the pain but the nurse was quick to stop me.

"Oh, don't do that, your Majesty. You may be alpha but even your healing is no match for that."

I looked at him in confusion. No match for what? And "Majesty?" Why was he insisting on— oh.
Everything fell into place and Princeps chuckled tiredly from the back of our mind. We had forced father into submission, taken the throne and crown from him. All because he would not move when we tried to get to—

"What has happened to—to—" what was I to call Aita now?

"The Luna is safe." The nurse chuckled. "He might not wake for another month still but he is breathing and his body is healing."

"Luna?" I whispered to myself. The words made Princeps growl with pride. But either way the nurse heard.

"Alpha—or um—your second form, he made sure we all knew who we were healing and the consequences of our failure." While the nurse blushed and laughed his nerves off I groaned.
I didn't want my rule to be marked by violence. But his words, ignoring the threats, had me smiling.

"Luna." I whispered again. I could call my angel by that. I turned to look at the nurse who—without my notice—was pulling at the bandages around my chest.
"Does that mean—"

He looked up to me and smiled. "Giving the Luna your second heart would not have worked if you were not true mates. We removed both of his—uh, well—they were both dead and useless. The healer said the church's brand killed his first one, it was the size of a child's so she suspects that the Mark was given to him at a young age—"

I looked away at the nurses words. I didn't want him to stop but that thought, a young dead heart filling the space in my angels chest made my stomach churn. I didn't realize I was crying until tears fell to my lap.

"—the other, it, well none of his body handled the whipping well. I don't know who's would. It—" he stopped himself and shook his head. "He's okay and that's what matters. Though you should be more cautious now. Nobody has witnessed something like this before. The Healer said that it will be interesting to see what kind of bond you two grow. She imagines you might be able to feel each other's proximity and moods, but she said you may even be able to feel each other's pain or share thoughts."

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