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I wake up to someone caressing my face. My eyes aren't completely open yet , and when I do that person stops. I can't move my hands they are tied behind my back , I look around and there's a bunch of men watching me.

"Good morning beautiful" I recognise this voice , from many many years ago.

"Jimin?" He's behind me and that's all I could possibly guess.

"How did you know Jennie?" He giggles as he turns to me , he looks the same as before but he's lost a lot of weight. His cheek bones are more hollow and he looks exhausted , I can tell by his bags. But hes still attractive.

"You sent the letter Jimin?" I ask , I'm hurt because he was my friend , for him to do this angers me

"Yes I fucking did , do you wanna know why?" He asks , anger evident I flinch when he points at me

"I won't hurt you Jennie , I didn't hurt you when I brought you here , you know why? because I love you , I really do love you , I've loved you all these years but you didn't give a shit" he says awfully soft as he caresses my cheek , he seems insane , what the fuck happened to him.

"Jimin I'm a mother you CANT JUST KIDNAP ME" I growl back

"Fuck that child of yours Jennie , It's got Manoban blood in it , why would you have a child with a manoban , isn't that fucking insane?" He says through a laugh , his men just laughing for no reason , I bet they don't even get it , fools. Bum lickers.

He shouldn't insult my daughter , that's too far , now I'm pissed off , I don't know what he wants by this but I can't deal with this shit.

"So Jennie , do you wanna know why I kidnapped you?" He asks as he bends over , leaning his hands on his thighs as he looks into my eyes , I avoid looking at him

"No" i respond , if he thinks we're in a movie we really fucking aren't , I know he's got this grudge against me  and that he wants to tell me what I did wrong but I won't give him the knowledge that I want to know.

"Well I want to tell you" he says as he looks at me confused as ever

"I don't care" I respond slowly and sarcastically

"Well I'm going to tell you anyways" he proceeds and I roll my eyes , this is 100% pissing him off.

"It started when we worked together , I fell so in love with you Jennie , you know I would of given you the world remember when we would have sex in your house or my house after work or even during work , we would go for lunch together , gosh I was so fucking insanely in love with you" he says as he looks down he whispers the last part.

"then you had told me you were marrying Marco just to get payback for your mother and it would be over soon , remember you told me the full story at lunch? because I loved you so much I still allowed you to do that because I was waiting for it to be over so we could be together , BUT WHAT DID YOU DO? You fucked his daughter , fell in love with his daughter , quit your job and went off with her?"

He growls as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Do YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME JENNIE?" He shouts out at me as he cups my face , I try and move his hands from my face.

"Do you have any idea what I've been through for these past few years? I'm a drug lord , I'm just as rich as the Manobans now , since you quit , I quit as well , I'm just as powerful as him , now you can marry me Jennie , fuck the Manobans" he says , he sounds insane and I squirm in his touch , I really hope Lisa and Ella are okay.

Mummy Jen // JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now