Chapter 4

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So it's been a reeeeeeeeaaaalllyyy long time, huh? ..... I'M SORRY!!! So anyways I'm trying to come back and update since this one is getting popular❤️ I'M SOO THANKFUL HUHUHUHU. Anyways here's the update😘.

Disclaimer: The Gintama characters and storyline belongs to Hideaki Sorachi... I own the story in Wattpad😂 and The characters Yumi and Koharu.

The picture was drawn by MorningGlory816 ❤️❤️ Thanks girl💁🏻👈🏻


It's been 5 days since we were at Rakuyo... and 5 days since the incident with Kamui. The aliens in this place are very rowdy and rude... I mean the alien kids that seems to be our age.

The Old Man had told Kouka-san of my situation and she seemed angry yet sad. She offered me and Koharu to stay here as we were practically homeless. I was hesitant at first, shy because she was smiling down at me but accepted nonetheless.

Kagura and Koharu was very delighted with the news. They were practically twins at this point, always playing and entertaining Kouka-san.

Same with Kamui and I. We became very close despite being here for 5 days. He lets me borrow some of his clothes as the Old Man haven't bought me some yet.

"What?" He sputtered. "You-you don't have any other clothes?"

I sighed, frowning in frustration. "Yeah. I haven't had the chance to grab some of my clothes when we left our planet. It's a good thing I grabbed Koharu's stuff though."

"You can borrow some of my clothes." He murmured, cheeks red.

"Eh?" I blanched.

He rubbed his nape. "Well you don't have any other clothes and it's the least I can do for saving me. Besides, you're a bit thinner than me."

"Well if its not too much of a bother."

"It's not so don't worry." He said, grinning. He went to a chest and pulled out a black Chinese top and white pants. "Here. It's for boys but I think it'll fit you."

I grabbed the clothes, smiling at him. "Thanks Kamui."


Time Skip...

It's been a month since we arrived here... And every time the Old Man and I would train at the ship, he would make me do a lot of exercises instead of sparring.

It seems he's avoiding the usage of weapons cause he always confiscates my umbrella.

"Physical exercise maintains the body instinct and health."

That's what he would always say. Kamui had started to notice my sudden loss of weight and asked what's happening. I replied that I haven't been eating well (which is partially true) because I always give my share to Koharu. He smacked my head and called me stupid for not eating and pestered me to eat properly. I sweat dropped but agreed anyway so I won't worry him (Refer to the pic above).


'I got a day off from training... Finally.'  I stretched out and yawned. My ears and antenna perked when I heard scuffling off feet. I looked up to see Kamui about to head out.

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