Chapter 4: Funny Pictures

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Genesis's POV
Today is the day we will be going on 5SOS tour bus. There was this cute fan named Erica and she adored The Flying Potatoes. She was so happy that she was able to see us before we went on tour so we took selfies and autographed her shirt. I can't believe that our fans love us so much and will follow us where ever we go. We meet up with Hailey at Starbucks and get into her car. When we get to the Forum we get into the bus immediately to surprise our dream guys except for Sofia and Ana. We had all our stuff so we were set and bound to go across the world. When the boys finished their show they went inside the bus (not knowing we where there) got scared when we popped out. I saw Luke staring at me and I blushed hard being able to see the redness from my cheeks from a mile away (over exaggerating). We all we fangirling while Ana and Sofia were eating pizza and Vienna Sausage. I noticed that her suitcase is full of cans of Vienna Sausage and wondered where her clothes are. Then suddenly someone put their hands on my hips and I almost smacked it but I noticed it was Luke. I couldn't believe that the LUKE HEMMINGS WAS CRUSHING ON ME! For lunch we ate pizza and Calum showed fetus pictures of the band. We all laughed and said aww. Once everyone was done eating we continued talking about music. Bella was all flirty with Ashton while STEAL YOUR GIRL CALUM was trying to get with Andrea (she's playing hard to get).

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