Chapter 13: CANDREA

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Andrea's POV
I'm talking to the girls about what song to do at the next concert while watching the Ellen DeGeneres Show because the boys were going to be on it. All of a sudden Ellen asked if the boys have a crush. Of course everyone answered except for Calum but I was glad that he didn't have anything going on with someone else. Calum said "I really like this girl I met before our tour and she was beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She has pretty straight black hair and she plays the bass. I would like to ask her out but I don't know if she would like me back... Well I gotta right now because the boys were bugging me earlier so Andrea Zamora would you like to go on a date with me, Calum Hood?" I couldn't believe it Calum just asked me out on he Ellen show. The girls especially Genesis was freaking out because she knew that Calum was my celebrity crush since the first year of high school. I could hear my phone blowing with tweets from fans saying "#CANDREA FOREVER!" When Calum and the others got back I bear hugged Calum tightly so that he couldn't breathe. This my first proper date so it has to be perfect. I'm a specialist in make-up and hair so the girls didn't need to help me get ready. I wore a red and black flannel with black skinny jeans. I saw Calum getting ready but he was really sweating. Is he really that nervous about me? Calum and I walked to the near by mall so we could play at the arcade. I kept getting more tickets than him but who cares I was on a date with THE CALUM HOOD! We had this trick shot basketball contest but I wasn't really air if I was going to beat Calum. I ended up winning by 20 points so our tickets scores were Andrea:999 Calum:500. We got prizes such as a giant penguin for Luke and Genesis, got a soccer ball for Michael and Nova, got a spoon for Ana, got a slushy for Sofia, got towels for Ashton and Bella, and finally we got matching promise rings. This was the best date ever and I could tell the others shipped us hard because we came in smiling as hard as mini Calum (if you know what I mean😏). I fell asleep next to Calum in his bunk listening to the sound of his heartbeat...

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